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National Level Faculty Workshop on ‘Research Methods and Data Analysis Using SPSS’


Search for knowledge or any systematic exploration to institute facts is Research. It is about searching systematically for elucidations of problems. No matter what scientific methodology is used, the variables under investigation must always be measured in some way or another. And measurement generates numbers – or data -often much more data than we can manually interpret. As a result, statistical tools have been devised to help the researcher summarize and interpret raw data. Statistical procedures not only provide a way of summarizing data into quick and manageable information, but they also help the researcher make decisions about whether relationships between two or more variables, are actually real ones. Statistical methods are playing an ever increasing role in framing suitable policies in a large number of diversified fields covering natural, physical and social sciences. Statistics today have become indispensable in all fields of human endeavor.

To address challenges and opportunities in the field of research, the most popular software product, SPSS has enabled academicians and researchers to obtain valuable information from the data. Basic knowledge on SPSS is vital for all users before they proceed to surveys and data analyses. This two-day workshop is for keen researchers in various disciplines, i.e., Business and Economics and other streams in Humanities, Social Sciences etc., by using SPSS for Windows who want to acquire the skills and knowledge on getting started with SPSS.

Objectives of the Workshop

  • To understand the application of right tools and techniques while conducting a research.
  • To understand the use of SPSS in data analysis.
  • To make participants familiar with techniques for different research approaches.
  • Enhance the Analytical Skills.
  • Facilitate Research Scholars in completing their thesis.

Who should attend?
Research scholars, Faculty, People from Industry
*There are limited seats for the workshop and participation will be allowed on first come first served basis.

Workshop Fee
Fee of the workshop per participant is Rs. 2000/= (Rupees two thousand only) which includes working lunch and refreshments during sessions or material, if any.

Registration fees can be paid through Bank Demand Draft, Cheque or through Online Banking. The DD and Cheque can be made in favor of Chitkara University payable at Chandigarh.

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