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Faculty Development Program on Basics of Biostatics using SPSS

Department of Nursing, Chitkara School of Health Sciences, Chitkara University in collaboration with the Centre for Evidence-Based Practice in Health Care is organising an FDP on the Basics of Biostatics using SPSS from February 13th-February 17th, 2023. The FDP will provide in-depth knowledge regarding the concepts of statistics and their application in the field of research. It aims to help participants understand various forms of data and help develop analytical skills for processing it into useful information.

Furthermore, the training program has been designed to provide educators with a strong understanding of biostatistics and how to analyse data using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). The program will focus on teaching statistical hypothesis testing, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics. The use of SPSS will be emphasized to provide hands-on experience in analysing data and interpreting results. Upon completion of the program, participants should have a solid understanding of biostatistics and be able to apply their knowledge using SPSS for data analysis in their own research and teaching.

The mode of learning will be mostly interactive, with maximum time dedicated to hands-on training using planned exercises.

Participants: Postgraduate Nursing Students, Ph.D. scholars, and Faculty

Registration link: https://paym.chitkara.edu.in/basics-of-biostatistics-using-spss/ | Fee: Rs 1000 Only

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