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With 55 Professors from 39 International Universities; Chitkara University brings Global Education to its Students

Published on October 20, 2019 | 1373 views

Not all classrooms have four walls – not at least at Chitkara University. We literally bring a ‘world of infinite possibilities’ to our students each year by hosting Global Week — a one-of-a-kind global engagement event in North India — a celebration of diversity through cross-cultural exchange, knowledge transfer, industry linkages and phenomenal networking opportunities, to boost collaborated teaching through blended learning across the borders.

This year, the Global Week celebrated its 11th anniversary from October 14-18, 2019, by hosting over 55 distinguished Guest Professors representing about 39 prestigious Partner Universities from 22 countries across the six continents, who jointly set an outstanding benchmark and phenomenal precedent much in the true sense & essence of Internationalisation.

Welcoming Dignitaries and our International Guests, Hon’ble Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Vice-Chancellor, Chitkara University; declared the event open. Addressing the audience, Dr. Chitkara said, “Chitkara University is delighted to be back with Global Week, Season 11. We are committed to preparing our students to be ‘world-ready’ by providing a unique educational experience that gives the views of the world from every classroom and learning space.” Dr. Chitkara added, “Chitkara University’s Global Week has, over the years, grown into one of the largest ‘WorldClass TNE-TeamTaught’ platforms to extensively elevate the crucial mandates of promoting blended learning, through collaborated teaching across borders for our deserving students.”

Students are ‘Hungry to Learn’

Feeding their curiosity, pushing them intellectually, building their appetite for innovation, enhancing their capacity to think flexibly and inspiring them; the Global Week is a unique ‘all-in-one package’ for Chitkara University students.

Prof John Dugas, faculty of Business & Law visiting from The University of Newcastle, Australia; is teaching a module on ‘Corporate Governance & Risk: In Context of Principles of Management’ to Business students. Speaking about his experience of teaching & interacting with students, he said, “Chitkara students are very lively, enthusiastic, and in fact desperate to contribute! I am teaching them to plan, organise, provide leadership including self-leadership to maintain discipline in them, to be able to listen to others carefully, and finally measure what it is they are doing – to work in a more productive way.” Prof Dugas says he loves the fact that “Chitkara positions itself with a Corporate Social Responsibility – to serve the community, and infuses that attitude and approach among its students in all that they do”, adding that he heard inspirational things that Chitkara University students have been doing that resonated deeply with him. His message for the students – “Keep going, and maintain the enthusiasm and hunger to learn!”

‘Future-ready Education’ for Real World

Chitkara University ensures learning that empowers ‘future-ready’ students, to practice and develop their real-world skills through first and foremost – self-reflection. Prof. Karen Woods, faculty of Economics & Business, is visiting Chitkara University from Georgian College, Canada; and is truly preparing Chitkara students to be “future-ready”. Speaking about one of her sessions she revealed that she did a “Personality Assessment” with Chitkara students – so that they get to know more about themselves. “The test helps them identify potential strengths and weaknesses, and pathways best-suited for them. The more they know what their personality aligns with, the better idea they’ll have of what to focus on to be future-ready.” Prof. Woods took a module on ‘Organisational Behaviour from a Canadian Perspective’ citing examples from Canadian workplace, values and attitudes.

Stimulating Young ‘Inquisitive Minds’

Chitkara University believes that s student’s interest and curiosity paves way for learning which opens their mind to knowledge and new experiences. Back to be a part of Chitkara University Global Week for the fourth time, Heikki Valmu, Senior Lecturer from Lic. Tech, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland; is teaching students to use AWR Microwave Office Software. “Chitkara students are very active – they ask many questions and are quite inquisitive. This is a good sign – an absolute indicator that the students here are at par and in some aspects even better, as compared to their peers around the world. Chitkara University is doing an excellent job with teaching and exposing them to all world cultures & teaching practices with the Global Week.” His advice – Continue being active and amazing! Don’t forget to help others, because this way you will end up helping yourself.

‘True Colours’ Shining Through

Mr Daniel Jordi, Faculty of Hospitality Management here from Vancouver Island University, Canada; is visiting Chitkara University and India, for the very first time. “Chitkara students are incredibly engaged and eager to learn, so much so that 50% of my class time today was students asking questions – and me answering them! This shows intelligence, contrary to regular students who just keep head-nodding to a lecture,” he said. Prof Jordi is teaching a module called ‘True Colors – Assessing Personality’ adapted to the Hospitality environment. He feels that “the module will help students develop an intuitive approach to Hospitality by being able to assess personalities, both, theirs and their guests; and teach them to appropriately react to anticipated and as well as the unexpected situation at workplace.” His advice – Don’t hesitate to travel the world.

‘Extraordinary Win-Win’ for everyone!

Let’s talk about crucial 21st century skills – Intercultural Intelligence and Communication! Prof. Catherine Vellinga, Georgian College, Canada; is teaching a module on ‘Intercultural Intelligence’ to MBA students. “I’m teaching the students to function effectively in culturally diverse settings, exploring different dimensions correlated to its effectiveness in a global setting. This is a crucial 21st century skill – and in order to effectively grasp it we went to the very bottom of the iceberg, and learnt how to harness those skills!”

Talking about her experience so far, she added, “Chitkara University is truly internationalised with all the different collaborative projects, exchange programs, and international partnerships. Global Week is an extraordinary win-win for every single party involved as it attracts numerous leading academics from around the world and fosters innovative collaborations and fantastic networking possibilities with prominent faculty from institutions across the globe.” She concludes, “Chitkara is the leader in academic world – it’s second to none. Chikara University you rock!” – And we couldn’t agree more!