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Pro-Chancellor Dr Madhu Chitkara addresses in SIU’s International Conference ‘IHE 2021’

Published on April 10, 2021 | 1002 views

Symbiosis International (Deemed University) SIU and the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) organised the fifth edition of their annual international conference on Internationalisation of Higher Education (IHE 2021) in collaboration with BOREAL GLOBAL and The World Bank from April 6th, 2021 to April 9th, 2021. Pro Chancellor, Dr. Madhu Chitkara addressed the audience at the conference and shared her views on the topic ‘Reimagining internationalisation: Blended Education as a Catalyst’ and highlighted the importance of the blended learning method. She corroborated with examples of our exponential dependence on the digital platform and also cautioned about the emerging yawning gap between the ‘Have and Have nots’ depending upon the access to technology. Towards the end of the session, she expressed optimism and recommended the audience to embrace the new normal and mentioned that change is the only constant in life.

The SIU-AIU IHE is series of conferences and is a prominent annual international event which revolves around the internationalisation of higher education, and provides a platform to Vice chancellors, senior academics, faculty and experts from the nation and across the world to engage with critical policies, ideas and structures that would support HEIs to internationalise both their campuses and curricula. The unprecedented year that passed by provided the background and impetus for this year’s conference. Titled ‘Reimagining Internationalisation: Blended Education as a Catalyst, IHE 2021 brought together academics, practitioners, policy makers, vice chancellors and university administrators to discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of them as they face what is likely to be one of the most challenging situations faced by higher education in recent times.

Through keynote addresses, interactions, and panel discussions with experts and faculty from across the world’s best institutions, IHE 2021 bought an opportunity to reimagine what the future of internationalisation of higher education will be. Lockdowns across many countries across the globe will continue, the need for social distancing and safety of travel will continue, and so will the urgent need to incorporate online/virtual technologies into course delivery. Through the sessions at IHE 2021, experts discussed and deliberated over viable and practical solutions to this changing learning ecosystem; and received valuable inputs and insights that will support their planning for the future academic years. The Patron for the event was Prof. Dr. S. B Majumdar, Founder and President, Symbiosis Chancellor, SIU and the event was mentored by Dr. Rajani Gupte,Vice Chancellor, SIU. The Convenor for the event was Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar, Pro Chancellor, SIU and the Organising Secretary was Prof. Anita Patankar, Deputy Director, SCIE. The conference was virtual and free of charge for everyone.