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Hospitality students learn the importance of time management

Published on February 19, 2015 | 3959 views

Dr K.K. Sharma, Professor & HOD Chitkara Business School, delivered a guest lecture on to fourth and sixth semester H&HA students. The topic of the lecture was ‘Time Management’.

One of the most valuable assets for any hotel operation is its general managers in how they spend their time. Schedules and structure are important aspects in every typical business day. There are certain circumstances that differ from hotel to hotel due to the size, type and level of service, the number of different departments as well as other management concerns that need to be coordinated, conducted while being supervised.

Creating an effective universal schedule is not possible for each individual situation. However, each manager should create a basic schedule outline as well as creating and maintaining lists of things to do an organized fashion. While some managers like to use post-it notes or separate sheets of paper for making lists, others a little more organized using notebooks and still others go high-tech using some type of electronic device for keeping the to do list.

Complex issues like goal setting, recognizing obstacles and prioritizing work were elaborated and explained through live examples, interactive activities and a power point presentation. The lecture was highly interactive and all students participated well.


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