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Explore 13’ proves to be absolute exhilaration

Published on October 25, 2013 | 4053 views

There was enthusiasm, excitement, delight, elation and high spirits in the air as it was time for Explore 13’ at Chitkara University, Punjab.

The event began with an inaugural ceremony and people witnessed grandeur and opulence. Everyone present at the inaugural ceremony was enthralled by the performances; especially the Korean students, who performed Bhangra with sheer enthusiasm, mesmerized them.

Mr & Ms Panache raised the curtains for the show and marked its commencement. The winners of Mr & Ms Panache were given attractive prizes. In all, Chitkara University gave away prizes worth Rs 15 lakhs to all winners.

The dance events Step-Up and Ethnic Conexion dazzled everyone with sizzling western and folk dances, respectively. There were awakening performances by some of the best street play teams from various colleges of India.

The first day concluded with sizzling and glamorous ‘Charisma-the fashion show’. The fest witnessed crazy dynamic rock scene and exuberance. Dr. Ashok Chitkara’s spectacular band performance was enjoyed by one and all.

Colleges like IIT Ropar, DTU, Gargi college, Delhi University, Jaypee University, IMT Ghaziabad, PEC, UIET, UIFT, Thapar University, APG Shimla, Baddi University, Khalsa College, IP University, etc came together to participate in the fest.

Celebrities like Sahil Vedoliya, Vanya Mishra, Alfaaz, Karmjit Anmol, Anupreet Sidhu, Gippy Bajwa, N-Gritz added glitterati and glamour to the fest.

The two-day roller coaster ended with Benny Dayal’s performance where he expressed his ‘Badtameez side of the Dil’!
Following events comprised Explore 13’

  • Charisma (Fashion Show)
  • Mr & Ms Panache
  • Rock In! (Battle of bands)
  • Rap War
  • Street Play
  • Step Up (Western Dance)
  • Ethnic Conexion (Folk Dance)
  • Singing Sensation
  • MUN (Model United Nations)
  • Lights Camera Laughter
  • Antakshari
  • Paintball
  • Gabmaster (Literary)
  • Aura (painting combined with rangoli)
  • Roadies
  • LAN Gaming
  • Futsal
