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CCN organised ICMR sponsored Symposium on Prevention and Management of Vector-Borne Diseases

Published on January 27, 2017 | 2096 views

Vector-borne diseases are a major concern for global public health and results in an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Mosquito-Borne Diseases had emerged as a serious public health problem in Punjab this year.

Nursing Department of Chitkara School of Health Sciences organised an ICMR sponsored Symposium on “Prevention and Management of Vector-Borne Diseases” to raise awareness about prevention, treatment and common myths about these diseases. Guest Speakers for the symposium were Dr Gagandeep Singh Grover State Programme Officer NVBDCP (Punjab), Dr Gurmanjeet Kaur Dhillon district Epidemiologist Patiala, Dr Gurmeet Singh District Epidemiologist Patiala. Beneficiary Audience of this symposium was Community People of Village Jhansala, Students of B.Sc Nursing and Faculty of Nursing Department, Chitkara School of Health Sciences.

Dr Harmeet Kaur Principal Chitkara College of Nursing and Mrs Bandana Bisht Vice Principal, Chitkara College of Nursing welcomed the speakers and inaugurated the program.

First guest speaker Dr Gagandeep Singh Grover, State Programme Officer NVBDCP (Punjab) start the session by giving Introduction About Vector Borne Diseases, Global & National Scenario, Epidemiology of Vector Borne Diseases, Clinical Manifestation. They Talked About one Smartphone application named Dengue Free Punjab which contains all information regarding Dengue.He motivated the Audience to destroy breeding places of Mosquitoes by adopting simple cleaning measures every Friday and celebrate Friday as DRY DAY.

The topic for Second speaker Dr Gurmanjeet Kaur Dhillon was Prevention and management of vector-borne diseases. She highlighted about all the measures Government taking in order to prevent these diseases.

Last Speaker Dr Gurmeet Singh focused on Referral cases and role of health workers and he summarised the whole topic.