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CBS students grab the top spot in Bloomberg Business Week B-school Connections Student Case Competition

Published on November 30, 2018 | 1247 views

SEAA Trust, New Delhi is the only Global Accreditation Advocacy & Advisory service in the world that has been bringing together all the accreditation agencies on the same platform year on year since 2008. Keeping in line with their goals, the 2nd Bloomberg Business Week B-school Connections Student Case Competition, sponsored by Peregrine Academics, was held on the opening day of the two-day 11th International Accreditation competition of SEAA Trust, New Delhi, on November 26, 2018. Cash prize and certificate were awarded to the winning two teams, out of the four finally short-listed to present at the competition.

Chitkara Business School students, Sanchit Kalia and Sidharth Sharma (both, MBA Ist year), grabbed the first Prize at the competition, followed by students Shreyas Srivastav and Srishti Gupta from IFIM Bangalore, with the second prize. Chitkara students, Guru Kaur and Deepika Sharma, were provided with Certificates of Participation. Many Congratulations to the winners. We are proud of you!

Standards for Educational Advancement & Accreditation (SEAA) Trust, New Delhi, has been conducting its intense advocacy and facilitation work to bring global benchmarks for quality to Indian and Asian business Schools since the year 2008. Having committed itself to the motto of “self-regulation through accreditation”, SEAA conducted a campaign “100 by 2015” to get at least a 100 schools on to the accreditation path. Now, a new campaign “100 accreditation by 2020” is on which is expected to see a century mark being achieved in internationally accredited schools in India.