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CSHS represented Chitkara University at International Public Health Management Development Program (IPHMDP) 2016

Published on June 21, 2016 | 2206 views

Dr.Preethi Pradhan, Dean (Chitkara School of Health sciences) & Prof. Keerti Pradhan, Head (Chitkara School of Health sciences) represented Chitkara University at a five day International Public Health Management Development Program organized by School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh in collaboration with International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and Chitkara University, Punjab from 16th to 20th May, 2016.
Prof. Keerti Pradhan was also the member of organizing committee to develop the whole programme.

Dr.PreethiPradhan described the 4 main management functions through 4 caselets.The session was summed up by bringing out the sustainability of HR in terms of availability, competence of the staff to do the necessary work, responsiveness to the various patient and community needs of the programme as well as ensuring productivity of the human resources.

Prof. Keerti Pradhan explained about the difference between project and a programme.He concluded by discussing the difference between “do right things” and “do things rights”.

A total of 36 participants from 15 states of country participated in the programme. The participants ranged from senior level programme managers to academicians from medical colleges and national institutes and non-governmental organizations. This program aims to enhance the skills and competencies of middle and senior level program managers for addressing public health challenges and strengthening efficiency of organizations in limited resource settings.