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20 B. Com (H) students go for ‘Capital Markets Practices’ in Mumbai

Published on October 12, 2014 | 2651 views

Another high stride at Chitkara University as 20 B.Com Honours students from Chitkara Business School moved to Mumbai for their last nine months course.

This program will help build the professional personalities of our students and this is why it is significant for them.

The course ‘Capital Markets Practices’ will have two semesters with practical skill building in capital markets at BSE Training Institute. At the inaugural ceremony Mr Vinod Nair, Head Training BSE Training Institute, and Ms Shashi Gupta, Manager Training, were the Institute attendees. Dr K.K. Sharma, HOD BBA-B.Com from CBS and Mr Sarabjeet, faculty finance from the CBS represented Chitkara university.

20 B. Com