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CCN in collaboration with Inscol Academy & Niagara College Canada organized a workshop ‘Quality of Life at End of Life’

Published on March 4, 2016 | 2430 views

Chitkara College of Nursing in collaboration with Inscol Academy, Chandigarh and Niagara College, Canada organized a workshop “Quality of Life at End of Life: Nurses role in pain management and symptom management at End of Life”. The workshop was highly didactic and thematic as it focused on quality of life at end of life which is more important than life itself.

The workshop was adorned by Ms. Darlene Polich from Niagara College, Canada, who was expert in Palliative care nursing and Oncology nursing. Ms. Polich covered various aspects of QOL@EOL in a very interactive manner discussing various complaints and difficulties encounter by dying patients and their family members. She also explained the ways to handle such situations. Speaker emphasized on the role of nurses in palliative care which included pain management and symptom management.

At the end of workshop case studies on Anxiety, Nausea, Constipation and Pain were given to participants for their brainstorming that how they will take care of such patients. It was also realized that nurses are also responsible to inculcate the value of life in their patients.