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Workshop on Examination Reforms Organised by AICTE Chitkara University

Published on May 25, 2019 | 3617 views

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), the apex body that regulates and facilitates technical Education for over 10000 institutes in India, is implementing various schemes and reforms for the benefit of its stakeholders. As a part of upgrading the quality of technical education in India, a one-day workshop on ‘Examination Reforms Report’ was organised by AICTE at Chitkara University, Punjab Campus; on May 24, 2019.

Dr. R K Soni, Director & Regional Officer, NWRO-AICTE; gave the keynote address, followed by an address by Dr. Archana Mantri, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Chitkara University; and Guest of Honour Dr. Krishan K Kataria, Director, DTE. Govt. of Haryana. The Chief Guest for the day was Prof. B K Kuthiala, Chairperson, Haryana State Higher Education Council.

During Session I, module on ‘Context Setting Introduction to AICTE’s Examination Reforms Report’ was taken by Prof. Ashok Shettar, Vice Chancellor, KLE Technological University, Hubli; module on ‘Introduction to outcome-based assessment’ taken by Prof. P G Tewari, Dean Academics, KLE Technological University, Hubli; and module on ‘Need, importance, elements of OBE, POs, Competencies, Indicators’ taken by Prof. Gopalkrishna Joshi, Dean, Curriculum Design. Session II, ‘Addressed higher order thinking skills (HOTS)’ spoke about Bloom’s taxonomy and its use in designing assignments. Session III, ‘Designing of Assignments’ included an in-depth analysis of the adequacy of assessments with respect to outcomes and quality and structure of question papers. Session IV, ‘Assessment of Professional Outcome’ taught about use and writing of assessment Rubrics.

Underlining the need of examination reforms for technical institutes in India, the workshop on ‘Examination Reforms Report’ reiterated the need of reforms in the Examination systems as higher education is driving profound changes in the engineering education system in the wake of the globalisation of the world economy. Since examinations or assessment of students play an important role in deciding the quality of examinations, it was deliberated to prepare questions through mapping the examinations from Course Outcomes. Heads, Deans, Controllers of Examinations and Senior Faculties from different technical institutes attended the workshop to get acclimatized with the examination reforms and advocated the necessity of designing question papers to test higher order, abilities and skills of the engineering students. The Vote of Thanks was delivered by Mr. Tarun Kakar, AICTE, New Delhi.