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Shalika Sharma, executive housekeeper at JW Marriott delivers lecture at CSH

Published on October 12, 2014 | 3928 views

Ms Shalika Sharma, Executive Housekeeper, JW Marriott, Chandigarh, delivered a Guest Lecture on “Role of Housekeeping in hotel’s refurbishment” to students at Chitkara School of Hospitality.

The lecture was highly interactive and the students learnt a lot from the experience of the guest speaker. Apart from covering the technical aspects of housekeeping, Ms. Sharma also touched upon the best ways of getting employment in the hospitality industry.

Ms. Sharma was also accompanied by Ms. Ritu Singh, Training Manager for JW Marriott Chandigarh and they made the talk interesting by making the students ask questions and put across their point of view on various related aspects.

Guest Lecture JW Marriott