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Pro-Chancellor Dr Madhu Chitkara shares her valuable insights at the ELETS 18th World Education Summit 2021

Published on March 18, 2021 | 986 views

ELETS organised the “18th Edition of World Education Summit”, which included two Premier Global Events.

The first one was organised from March 3rd to March 6th. Wherein, Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor, shared her valuable insights during the Panel Discussion on the topic, “Preparing Students for Industry 4.0” and about how these changes are rapid and complex.

She mentioned that in order to meet the ever-evolving industry, LEARNING, UN-LEARNING AND RELEARNING has to be the success mantra. She emphasised the fact that alignment and collaboration with industries will be the deciding factor and that schools have to be fertile breeding ground with more flexibility. She added that the gradual changes from IQ to EQ and now to SQ is a constant reminder that human capital continues to be the biggest asset. Further, a global prospect will give a deciding edge to all stakeholders.

The second event was organised from March 10th to March 13th. In this event, Chitkara University was awarded as India’s Leading University in Design Education by Digital Learning- elets Technomedia, New Delhi. The purpose of the four-day summit was to bring the Top School Leaders on one platform to communicate and share the best practices and challenges.

Lastly, the organising committee of World Education Summit- 2021 expressed their gratitude to Pro-Chancellor, Dr. Madhu Chitkara for addressing the audience and sharing her views on the topic ‘Preparing students for Industry 4.0- Approach, Opportunities & Challenges’.