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Marathon organized by University Sports Board

Published on August 25, 2015 | 2233 views

Chitkara Marathon – The ‪Marathon‬ organised by University ‪‎Sports‬ Board seemed to rejuvenate all members of the University by involving them in a challenging competition.
This activity provided the opportunity for all the University members of running alongside other runners and cheering them. It gave the much needed confidence to everyone that they need to take up every challenge. It gave them the strength and discipline needed and helped instill a faith that they could do anything in life.
Running is incredibly effective at making you healthier in a number of ways. While it may not be everybody’s favorite form of exercise, knowing what it can do for your life just may make you look at running in an entirely new light.
This opportunity gave everyone a chance to challenge themselves by doing that extra bit and that too along with others, which promoted team spirit among everyone.
The event saw a massive participation and uplifted the entire atmosphere of the campus. Such activities are promoted at the University at a regular level as they enhance the bond students and staff shares.

The names of winners are:
Women category
1- Navneet Kaur- CCN
3- Kiranpreet Kaur- CCN

Men category
1- Amritpal Singh- CSME
2- Gautam Malik- CSME
3- Dr. I.S. Sandhu-Dean Examination

Chitkara Marathon