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Chitkara University Model United Nations Society make us proud

Published on September 10, 2018 | 1710 views

Model United Nations as its name suggests is a simulation of the actual United Nations where the students take the role of delegates of different countries for different committees and engage in a diplomatic debate to come to a substantive conclusion in regards to the agenda set by the committee. The delegates argue, discuss and move the discussion forward by debating according to their country’s foreign policy and by lobbying other countries in favor of their ideology.

Each committee has an executive board consisting of President, Vice-President, and Rapporteur who preside over the entire debate to make sure the committee functions smoothly without any glitches.

Students of Chitkara University Model United Nations Society (MUN SOC) once again proved their mark in co-curricular activities and brought laurels to Chitkara University, by bagging various prizes in Aspire MUN 2018 organised by LPU. Students of Computer Science Engineering, Parul Singla and Sahil Dhiman won High Commendation Award, while Mudita Sharma won Verbal Mention Award. Aditi Pathak of Chitkara Schol of Planning & Architecture chaired as Director of UNGA.

Congratulations and keep up the good work.