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School of applied sciences organize Faculty Enrichment Program

Published on July 18, 2014 | 2560 views

The primary goal of the Faculty Enrichment Program was to provide scientists, engineers and other professionals with a forum to actively engage in research discussions and professional development, as well as applications of sciences in engineering and allied areas.

About 25 Faculty members from branches of Science, Engineering, Nanotechnology and Health Sciences attended the FEP. There were nine expert talks by eminent scholars followed by a special lecture on stress management by Sh. Yogesh Gaur, Art of living, Senior faculty.

Recent advances in research, based on interplay between various areas of sciences, have opened up new challenges and opportunities for interdisciplinary research in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Material Science and Environmental Sciences. This FEP allowed the participants to update their research strategies and enhance their ability to work in interdisciplinary fields.

The FEP touched upon various aspects of the research progress in the interdisciplinary fields of sciences like, providing exposure to the participants to various interdisciplinary fields of research LCD, Nanotechnology, ICT, Optimization techniques etc, motivating the research interests in the areas of applied sciences. Furthermore, it provided a platform for participants to observe different perspectives, work in collaborative manner.

The valedictory function was graced by the presence of our Hon’ble Chancellor Dr. Ashok K. Chitkara. In his valedictory speech, Dr. Ashok Chitkara encouraged and motivated faculty to follow the path of righteousness, success and dedication towards duty and future endeavors.

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Faculty Enrichment Program