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B.Sc. Nursing students visit Water Treatment Plant in Mohali

Published on December 27, 2013 | 4933 views

B.Sc. Nursing Students of Chitkara College of Nursing had a field trip to water treatment plant for a first-hand experience of wastewater treatment methods.

Through this educational visit, students got significant and extremely useful information regarding various methods of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage, both runoffs, effluents, domestic, commercial and institutional.

It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Students understood that which harmful contaminants are usually present in wastewater, which can be removed through different processes of water treatment so that the water can be safe for use by human consumption.

This learning experience was part of the curriculum of B.Sc. Nursing under the subject Community Health Nursing.

The trip proved to be immensely useful for our students as they learnt small and significant insights about wastewater. They thanked the staff and faculty of the University for incorporating such useful trips in the curriculum.
