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National Workshop on Medical Writing & Pharmacovigilance

Chitkara College of Pharmacy and Chitkara University -Turacoz Collaborative Centre and Turacoz Skill Development Program (TSDP), an initiative of Turacoz Healthcare Solutions, will organise a one-day National Workshop on ‘Medical Writing & Pharmacovigilance’ in association with CRAI, IPA & LSSSDC on March 9th, 2019 and April 5th 2019.

Objectives of the Workshop
  • To elaborate on the various forms of scientific/medical writing
  • To develop language and writing skills vital for preparing clear and concise drafts, that reflect research findings adhering to the relevant guidelines and are tailored to the target audience
  • To understand the basics of the clinical research process, pharmacovigilance and drug safety
Organising Team

CU-Turacoz Collaborative Centre and Skill Development Program for Medical Writing and Pharmacovigilance
Organizing Secretary: Ms. Prabhjot Kaur Walia, Associate Corporate Training and Skill Development
Co-Organizing Secretary: Dr. Pooja Sharma, Assistant Professor, Chitkara University


The registration form duly filled along with the prescribed fee needs to be sent to the organising committee.

Registration Fee

INR 500 per participant (Last Date of Apply March 05th, 2019).

On-spot Registration

INR 700

Contact Details

Dr. Pooja Sharma, Assistant Professor
Ms. Prabhjot Kaur Walia, Associate, Corporate Training and Skill Development
Turacoz Healthcare Solutions, CU-Turacoz Collaborative Centre
Email Id: pooja.sharma@chitkara.edu.in, prabhjot.walia@turacoz.in
Contact Details: 08847497419, 08076155724

For more information, please Click here to download PDF.

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