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ICSSR sponsored National seminar-cum-workshop

A two-day ICSSR sponsored National level seminar-cum-workshop on ‘Writing Seminar Papers, Proposals and Thesis’ is being organized at Chitkara College of Education for Women, Chitkara University, Punjab, on March 20, 21, 2014.

The seminar-cum-workshop will have a mix of expert lectures, discussions, exercises and group work and will address important questions regarding writing of seminar papers in reputed journals, designing proposals for grant in aid and writing thesis to report the research conducted by the investigator.

This workshop will be appropriate for faculty or masters or doctoral students, in any field of education, particularly humanities and management, who wishes to publish their research in reputed journals. The immediate value of the workshop will be higher if you have already got your work published (in any journals), if you already have research data, and particularly if you have an article in process of being written.

The workshop will help to get us started and establish strategy for getting the work published. The questions that will be dealt with in this seminar cum workshop are:

  • What are the various types of research papers that can be written?
  • How to choose the topic for writing a research paper?
  • How should the research problem be identified and formulated?
  • Which title suits best to the problem?
  • Why the particular issue should be taken?
  • How the research work should be conducted?
  • What researches have already been conducted in that particular area?
  • How will this research contribute significantly in the particular field?
  • What steps should be followed for preparing a quality research paper?
  • How is related literature collected and reported?
  • What are the various sources of information?
  • What should be the basis of choosing any journal to which the paper has to be sent for publication?
  • Do online journals have same value as print journals?
  • What is the right structure of a research paper?
  • How is citation index and impact factor of a journal checked?
  • How to send article and undergo the process of submission?
  • How to be a reviewer? How to approach the research agencies for funding for research?
  • What are the apex agencies that grant the funds for organising seminars, workshops and conferences?
  • What is the mechanism for approaching to these agencies?
  • How should the proposal be made for getting grant in aid?
  • What should be the key area on which focus should be stressed while framing a proposal?
  • What are the main categories for writing a proposal?
  • What things should be kept in mind for organising a good seminar/ workshop/ conference/ symposium?
  • How to ensure maximum participation and output from the seminar/ workshop/ conference/ symposium?
  • What is the correct format of writing a thesis?
  • How should we proceed for writing the thesis?
  • What should be kept in mind while framing the research questions, objectives and hypothesis?
  • How should the review of related literature be reported in the thesis?
  • How research papers should be written for completing the thesis?
  • When is the content considered to be plagiarised?
  • How are references different from bibliography?
  • What is the correct form of writing references, bibliography, footnotes, etc.
  • What is the Procedure for initiating a post doctoral

The details are being attached for your kind perusal.
Kindly forward the mail to your staff, colleagues, research scholars and students. Also, register yourself before March 15, 2014’ to ensure proper arrangements.

For further details please contact
Dr. Sangeeta Pant, Dean,
Chitkara College of Education for Women,
Chitkara University, Punjab- 140401
Phone: 9501105652
E-mail: sangeeta.pant@chitkara.edu.in

You can also contact:
Ms. Preety Chawla, Assistant Professor,
Chitkara College of Education for Women,
Chitkara University, Punjab- 1401401
Phone: 9501105607
E-mail: preety.chawla@chitkara.edu.in

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