Top 6 Career Options in Engineering After Class 12th

A illustration shows a text " Top 6 Career Options In Engineering After Class 12Th" in bold red and black text. On the right side of the image a women standing and point towards the left side of image.

Engineering is one of the most widely chosen fields for pursuing undergraduate studies. There is a wide range of engineering study programs available that can develop world-class engineers and computer scientists.

The engineering programs help develop bright minds into changemakers and professionals who can take a global perspective, gain the technical prowess, and leadership skills required to make a difference in the world.

You can also become ready to chart your career path as a meaningful and successful one while pursuing an engineering course after pursuing a specialization that you may be interested in. However, regardless of the path that you may take, the core engineering curriculum is the same and lets you explore different options and discover the discipline that may be right for you.

Primarily, there are some top career options that can be discovered when it comes to pursuing engineering. In this blog, the top 6 career options in engineering after class 12th will be mentioned. Keep reading to know more.

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Computer Science Engineering

An undergraduate program that deals with the design, implementation, and management of information systems of software and hardware processes is called the Computer Science engineering program.

Computer Science Engineering is a study program that specializes in computation theory and the design of computational systems. It aids with various disciplines including information technology, software engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, etc.

After completing a degree in Computer Science, most candidates can find solid entry-level jobs in the IT industry or related fields given they fulfill the required skill sets including programming, data structures, database management, and more.

Electronics and Communication

The study program of Electronics and Communication engineering aims to create professionals who can effectively engineer large, important, and robust electronics and communication systems.

This engineering program is designed to cater to the latest and emerging trends in consultation with the electronics industry so that students can have a distinctive edge when they move out into the quickly growing industries of the 21st century.

Also Read: How Electrical Engineering Is Taking India By Storm

Mechanical Engineering

This is a study program that prepares students for many career paths in engineering, industry, and research. The curriculum explores a wide range of mechanical engineering principles and their application to modern technological problems.

Students can collaborate on interdisciplinary work where they research and design creative and cutting-edge solutions to common problems.

Mechatronics Engineering

Another unique degree program at Chitkara University that combines mechanical, electrical, and computing technology with automated control and developed information systems is called Mechatronics Engineering.

The Mechatronics engineering program is an exceptional course that prepares you for a top career in the field of engineering, design, and manufacturing.

Also Read: Mechatronics Engineering-Career, Job And Future Opportunities In India

Automotive Engineering

For all the students who are interested in the auto field, this is an exceptional career option. Universities such as Chitkara University collaborate with the Automotive Research Association of India for offering four-year engineering in Automobile Engineering.

This course is offered in the view of the Government of India incentivizing the adoption of EVs and some hybrid electric vehicles. There is a wide need for professionals who can handle emerging technologies and a course in Automotive engineering is the best option.

Civil Engineering

The Civil Engineering program prepares students to supervise, plan, design, construct, and even operate infrastructures connecting the modern world. Graduates of this program gain the knowledge to manage, construct, and engineer structures.

A considerable amount of effort is put into making students well-versed when it comes to the usage and application of software tools being used in the construction industry.

Moreover, the curriculum is hallmarked by offering experiential learning to students, managing large-scale construction projects, and ensuring that they are scheduled in accordance with the plan.

Also Read: Top Career Opportunities In Civil Engineerings


There are multiple engineering career options that one can pursue after completing class 12th. Chitkara University offers all of the above-mentioned programs with multiple features that make education and work meaningful.

Other than all the study programs mentioned above, Chitkara University also provides a five-year integrated B.Tech – M.Tech, B.E. Lateral Entry, and a 5-Year Integrated BE-MBA course as well. Based on what you may be interested in, you can choose the study program that matches your interests and build a successful career in it.


Further reading