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Dr. Charu Khosla

Director – Office of International Affairs

Dr. Charu Khosla presently Director (Academics and Research), International and a core environmentalist has received numerous awards, accolades, as a result of her work as a scientist . Being a Women Led entrepreneur, she is with a well-researched innovation BB ooर्जaa focused on the conversion of Agro waste into clean and green fuel with Smokeless chulhas. She had won the highly prestigious “Greenpreneur Award-2021” by Startup Punjab and Department of Industries and Commerce in collaboration with FICCI FLO for exemplary work in ‘Energy Management’, SHE CAN , SHE WILL AWARD-2021 for being an influential women of Punjab state, “Runners up for H.R.H.Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’ Sustainability Award-2020 Bangkok, shortlisted in Top 26 ANIC Grantee of 1 crore for hand-holding by the Govt of India – NITI AAYOG, Delhi -2019, recognized as “International Human Star”-2018 ,Startup India Himachal Pradesh Yatra Award-2018, and “BEST ECO-FRIENDLY RESEARCH OF THE YEAR Award-2013 from Mr. Saini Tiemele SAINY TIEMELE ambassador “DE COTED’IVOIRE” at the World Environment Congress -2013 as she was the first women to receive such an honor. Remained as a visiting faculty at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Indonesia in 2019 for Environmental engineering students. Remained as a Session–Chairperson in an international conference held in Bangkok, 2009. She has obtained her Doctorate in Environmental Technology & Management from Punjabi university, Patiala with specialization in Wastewater treatment of industries using Bioresins.