give a miss call on
1st Semester | ||||||||
Batch A | Batch B | |||||||
Code | Subject | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit | Code | Subject | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit | |
AML5101 | Engineering Maths I | 4+1+0=5 | 4.5 | AML5101 | Engineering Maths I | 4+1+0=5 | 4.5 | |
PYL5101 | Engineering Physics | 4+1+0=5 | 4.5 | EEL5102 | Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engineering | 4+1+0=5 | 4.5 | |
MEL4101 | Elements of Mechanical Engineering | 3+1+0=3.5 | 4 | CSL4102 | Problem Solving Technique using C | 4+0+0=4 | 4 | |
CHL4101 | Engineering Chemistry | 3+1+0=4 | 3.5 | PYL5102 | Material Science | 4+1+0=5 | 4.5 | |
GEL3101 | Environmental Sciences | 3+0+0=3 | 3 | MEL4102 | Engineering Graphics | 4+0+0=4 | 4 | |
PYP1101 | Engineering Physics Lab | 0+0+2=2 | 1 | EEP1102 | Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lab | 0+0+2=2 | 1 | |
MEW2101 | Manufacturing Practice | 0+0+4=4 | 2 | CSP2102 | Problem Solving Technique using C Lab | 0+0+4=4 | 2 | |
CHP1101 | Engineering Chemistry Lab | 0+0+2=2 | 1 | MEP1102 | Engineering Graphics Lab | 0+0+2=2 | 1 | |
ASP3101 | Integrated Project I | 3 | ASP3101 | Integrated Project I | 3 | |||
GES1101 | Co curricular Activities | 1 | GES1101 | Co curricular Activities | 1 | |||
Total | 29 | 27 | Total | 31 | 29.5 |
2nd Semester | ||||||||
Batch A | Batch B | |||||||
Code | Subject | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit | Code | Subject | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit | |
AML5102 | Engineering Math – II | 4+1+0=5 | 4.5 | AML5102 | Engineering Math – II | 4+1+0=5 | 4.5 | |
EEL5102 | Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engineering | 4+1+0=5 | 4.5 | PYL5101 | Engineering Physics | 4+1+0=5 | 4.5 | |
CSL4102 | Problem Solving Technique using C | 4+0+0=4 | 4 | MEL4101 | Elements of Mechanical Engineering | 3+1+0=4 | 3.5 | |
PYL5102 | Material Science | 4+1+0=5 | 4.5 | CHL4101 | Engineering Chemistry | 3+1+0=4 | 3.5 | |
MEL4102 | Engineering Graphics | 4+0+0=4 | 4 | GEL3101 | Environmental Sciences | 3+0+0=3 | 3 | |
EEP1102 | Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lab | 0+0+2=2 | 1 | PYP1101 | Engineering Physics Lab | 0+0+2=2 | 1 | |
CSP2102 | Problem Solving Technique using C Lab | 0+0+4=4 | 2 | MEW2101 | Manufacturing Practice | 0+0+4=4 | 2 | |
MEP1102 | Engineering Graphics Lab | 0+0+2=2 | 1 | CHP1101 | Engineering Chemistry Lab | 0+0+2=2 | 1 | |
ASP3102 | Integrated Project II | 3 | ASP3102 | Integrated Project II | 3 | |||
GES1102 | Co curricular Activities | 1 | GES1102 | Co curricular Activities | 1 | |||
Total | 31 | 29.5 | Total | 29 | 27 |
Summer Course | ||||||||
Code | Subject | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit | |||||
ECT6102 | Industry Oriented Hands-on Training* | 4-6 weeks | 6 |
3rd Semester | |||
Course Code | Title of the Course | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit |
AML4201/AML3301 | Numerical Methods and Statistical Techniques | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
ECL5201 | Fundamentals of Electronic Devices | 4+1+0 = 5 | 4.5 |
ECL3203 | Electronic measurements and Techniques | 3+0+0 = 3 | 3 |
ECL4205 | Network Analysis and Synthesis | 3+2+0 = 5 | 4 |
ECL4207 | Digital Electronics and logic design | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
CSL4301/CSL4201/CSL3201 | Object Oriented Programming | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
ECP1203 | Electronic measurements and Techniques Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
ECP1207 | Digital Electronics and logic design Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
CSP1201 | Object Oriented Programming Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
ECP3203 | Integrated Project III | 0+0+2=2 | 3 |
GES1201 | Co Curricular Activities | 1 | |
Total | 32 | 29 |
4th Semester | |||
Course Code | Title of the Course | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit |
ECL5202 | Design and Analysis of Electronic Circuits | 4+1+0 = 5 | 4.5 |
ECL4204 | Signals and Systems | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
ECL4206 | Electromagnetic Field Theory | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
ECL4208 | Control Systems | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
ECL4210 | Microprocessor and Applications | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
ECL3212 | Principles of Communication Systems | 3+0+0 = 3 | 3 |
ECP1202 | Design and Analysis of Electronic Circuits Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
ECP1204 | Signals and Systems Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
ECP1208 | Control Systems Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
ECP1210 | Microprocessor and Applications Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
ECP3204 | Integrated Project IV | 0+0+2=2 | 3 |
GES1202 | Co Curricular Activities | 1 | |
Total | 34 | 29.5 |
3.5 Credits
Errors in Numerical Calculations: Errors and their analysis, General Error formula, Errors in a series approximation Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental equations: Bisection Method, Method of false position Newton -Raphson method, Multiple root sorder of convergence Linear systems of equations: Gaussian elimination method with pivoting Gauss -Seidel iteration method Raleigh’s power method for eigen values and eigen vectors Interpolation: Finite Difference, Forward, Backward and Central difference Newton’s formulae for interpolation, Central difference interpolation formulae, Interpolation with unevenly spaced points, Newton’s divided difference method Numerical differentiation, Maximum and Minimum values of a tabulated function Euler-Maclaurin formula, Gaussian integration(One dimensional only) Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations : Single step methods: Taylor series method – Euler and modified Euler methods Fourth order R-K method for solving first and second order equations, Milne’s and Adam’s predictor and corrector methods. Introduction to probability, Baye’s theorem, Random variable (discrete and continuous),binomial, Poisson, normal, exponential distribution. Sampling Distribution of means and variance, t-distribution and F-distribution, Hypothesis Testing (General concepts, Testing a Statistical hypothesis, one and two tailed tests, Critical region, Confidence interval estimation. Single and two sample tests on proportion), mean and variance. correlation ,lines of regression(two variable only)
“Advance Numerical Analysis with programming in C++”,Chitkara University Publication.
“Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, Sheldon M.Ross, 4th edition, Academic Press, Elsevier.
4.5 credits
Energy Bands in solids: Charged particles, field intensity, potential energy, the eV unit of energy, nature of an atom, atomic energy levels, electronic structure of the elements, energy band theory of crystals, insulators, semiconductors and metals. Transport phenomenon in Semiconductors: mobility and conductivity, electrons and holes in an intrinsic semiconductor, donor and acceptor impurities, charge densities in a semiconductor, electrical properties of Ge and Si, Hall effect, Conductivity modulation, generation and recombination of charges, diffusion, continuity equation, injected minority carrier charge, potential variation with a graded semiconductor, recapitulation. Junction Diode characteristics: Open circuited PN junction, PN junction as a rectifier, current components in a pn diode, volt-ampere characteristics, temperature dependence of the VI characteristics, Diode resistance, space charge or transition capacitance, charge control description of a diode, diffusion capacitance, junction diode switching times. Transistor Characteristics: Junction transistor, Ebers-Moll model, transistor current components, transistor as an amplifier and switch. Transistor construction, CB CE and CC configuration, analytical expressions for transistor characteristics.
Transistor biasing and Thermal Stabilization: Operating point, bias stability, fixed bias, emitter bias, voltage divider bias, miscellaneous bias circuits. Stabilization against variations in Ico, Vbe and beta, bias compensation, thermistor and sensistor compensation, thermal runway and thermal stability. Field Effect Transistors: Construction and characteristics of JFET, Depletion type MOSFET, Enhancement type MOSFET, Digital MOSFET circuits, Pinch off voltage, FET biasing, VMOS, CMOS, FET as a VVR. Operational Amplifiers: Basic op-amp, differential amplifier, op amp basics, practical op amp circuits, Emitter coupled differential amplifier, BIFET,BIMOS, CMOS Differential amplifier, Op amp specifications-DC offset parameters, frequency parameters, op amp unit specifications, differential and common mode operation, Transfer characteristics of differential amplifier, IC operational amplifier, temperature drift of input offset voltage and current. Optoelectronic devices and Special purpose diodes: Photodiode, Phototransistors, LED, Breakdown diodes, Tunnel diode, GUNN, IMPATT, VARACTOR diodes.
“Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, by Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nasheley, 9th edition, Pearson Education.
“Integrated Electronics”, Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, McGraw-Hill.
4 credits
Instrumentation Scheme and characteristics, Error analysis, DC and AC measurements, Principles, classification and selection of transducers, Display devices and Decoders, Telemetry and remote sensing, Indicating and Recording systems, Signal Generators and Analyzers.
“Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement”, William D. Cooper & Albert C. Helfric, Prentice-Hall.
“Instrumentation, Measurement & Feedback”, Barry Jones, Prentice-Hall.
3.5 credits
Review of Circuit Analysis, Node and mesh current analysis, Circuit theorems, Time and Frequency domain analysis, Transient and Steady state response, Laplace transformation, Pole zero analysis, Parameters of Two port network, Symmetric network, image parameters, Synthesis of one port networks in Foster and Cauer forms, Classification and Characteristics of filters, T section and Pi section filters, m derivers and composite filters
“Engineering Circuit Analysis”, W. H. Hayt; J. E. Kemmerly and S. M. Durbin, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Introduction to digital quantities, basic logic operations, review of numbers systems and binary codes, Binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, minimization and implementation of logic functions, De – Morgan Theorms, canonical forms, Minimisation using K maps and Q-M method, Special combination circuits, viz, adder, subtrator, comparator, demux, mux parity checker, Sequential circuits, Flip flops, registers, design and analysis of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, D/A, A/D convertors, Semiconductor memories and programmable devices, Logic families.
“Digital Design”, M. Morris Mano, 3 rd edition, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003/Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.
Introduction to Object Oriented programming, structure of C++ program Keywords, Basic Data Types, Derived Data Types, Declaration of Variables, Operators in C++,Scope Resolution Operator, Control Structure, Actual & Formal arguments, Default Arguments, Storage class specifiers, Functions, Arrays Declaration, Initialization, Processing Arrays, Arrays and Functions, Character Array, Pointers declaration, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers And Function, Pointers And Arrays, Classes & Class Specifiers : Declaration Member functions, Inline Function, Arrays within class Static data, Static member functions, Friend Functions, Friend class, Constructor: Parameterized constructor, Multiple Constructor, Copy Constructor, Dynamic memory Allocation, Destructor Operator Overloading, Overloading assignment operator, Overloading arithmetic operator, Overloading comparison operator, Function Overloading Inheritance: Single Inheritance,Hierarchical, Hybrid, Multilevel Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Advantages & Disadvantages of Inheritance Virtual Functions ,Pure Virtual Functions, Virtual Base class, Abstract Class Templates, Function Template, Class Template, Working With Files, File Stream, Opening And Closing Files File modes, Sequential Input output, Updating File: Random Access, Exception Handling, Graphic Functions in C++.
“Object Oriented Programming in C++”, Robert Lafore, 4th edition, Pearson Education.
4.5 Credits
Diode Applications: Load Line analysis, Series and Parallel Configurations, Half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, Clippers, clampers, Voltage Multiplier circuits. Transistor at Low frequencies: Graphical analysis of CE configuration, Two port devices and hybrid model, transistor hybrid model, h parameters, conversion formulae for parameters of CE,CB and CC configurations. Analysis of transistor amplifier using h parameters, emitter follower, comparison of transistor amplifier configurations. Linear analysis of transistor circuit, Miller theorem and its dual, cascading transistor amplifiers, Simplified Common-Emitter Hybrid model, simplified calculations for common collector configuration, CE amplifier with an Emitter resistance, High input resistance circuits reference. FET small signal model, Low frequency Common source and common drain amplifiers, FET as a VVR. Transistor at High frequencies: Hybrid -pi(?) CE transistor model, hybrid ? conductances, hybrid ? capacitances, validity of hybrid ? model, variation of hybrid ? parameters, CE short circuit current gain, current gain with resistive load, single stage CE transistor amplifier response, gain bandwidth product, emitter follower at high frequencies. Common source amplifier at high frequencies, Common Drain amplifier at high frequencies. Multistage Amplifiers: Classification of amplifiers, distortion in amplifiers, frequency response of an amplifier, step response of amplifier, bandpass of cascaded systems. RC coupled amplifier, low frequency response of RC coupled stage, effect of emitter bypass capacitor on low frequency response. High frequency response of two cascaded CE transistor stages, multistage CE amplifier cascade at high frequencies. Noise . Power Amplifiers: Introduction- Definitions and amplifier types, Series fed Class A amplifier, Transformer coupled Class A Power amplifier . Class B amplifier operation, Class B amplifier circuits. Amplifier distortions, power transistor heat sinking. Class C and Class D amplifiers. Feedback Amplifiers: classification of amplifiers, feedback concept, transfer gain with feedback, general characteristics of Negative Feedback amplifiers, stability, Input & output resistance, method of analysis of feedback amplifier, voltage series, voltage shunt, current series and current shunt feedback. Power Supplies: General filter considerations, Capacitor filter, RC Filter, Discrete transistor voltage regulation, IC voltage regulators, monolithic regulators, applications.
“’Integrated Electronics”, Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, McGraw-Hill.
“Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nasheley, 9th edition, Pearson Education.
Signals and systems in electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, biomedical systems, Energy and power signals, signal properties – periodicity, absolute integrability, determinism and stochastic character, unit step, unit impulse, the sinusoidal, complex exponential signals, special time-limited signals, continuous and discrete time signals, continuous and discrete amplitude signals, System properties – linearity, shift-invariance, causality, stability, realizability, Continuous time and discrete time Linear shift-invariant (LSI) systems, representation through differential equations and difference equations, frequency response, Fourier series representation, convolution, multiplication and their effect in the frequency domain, magnitude and phase response, Fourier domain duality, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT), Parseval’s Theorem, Correlation and correlogram, correlation function, energy signals, power signals, Auto-correlation, cross correlation, energy/power spectral density, Sampling Theorem, Reconstruction of signals, Aliasing and its effects, Relation between continuous and discrete time systems, Random Signal Theory, discrete Random Variables, Cumulative Distributive Function, Continuous Random Variable, Probability Density Function, Properties of CDF and PDF, Statistical averages, Mean, Moments and exceptions, Standard Deviation and variance, Probability models.
“Signal Processing and Linear Systems”, B. P. Lathi, Oxford University Press.
“Communication Systems”, Simon Haykins, 4th edition, Wiley India.
3.5 Credits
Introduction to Electromagnetic, surface integral and volume integral, Physical Interpretation of Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Fundamentals Relations of the Electrostatic Field, Coulomb’s law Gauss Law, The Potential function, Electric fields, Electric potential and field, Superposition of potential , Equipotential Surfaces Divergence Theorem, Electrostatic Energy, Effect on dielectric on capacitor, Conditions at a Boundary between Dielectrics, Electrostatics Uniqueness theorem.Theories of the Magnetic Field, Magnetic Induction and Faraday,s Law, Magnetic Flux density, Magnetic field strength and Magnetomotive force, Energy stored in a Magnetic Field, Analogies between Electric and Magnetic Fields.Time Varying Fields: Equation of Continuity for Time- Varying Fields, Inconsistency of Ampere’s law, Maxwell’s Equations, Conditions at a Boundary Surface Electromagnetic Waves: Wave Equation and its solution in different media, Plane wave, Sinusoidal time variation. Polarization, Direction Cosines. Poynting Theorem, Interpretation of ExH, Power loss in a Plane Conductor. Reflection of waves by perfect di-electric and by perfect insulator (Normal and Oblique Incidence), Surface Impedance. Guided Waves: Waves between parallel planes, TE, TM and TEM waves. Velocities of propagation, Attenuation in Parallel -plane Guides, Wave Impedance. Wave-Guides: TE and TM waves in rectangular waveguides. Impossibility of TEM wave in Wave guides, Wave Impedance and Characteristic Impedance. Attenuation Factor and Q of Wave Guides, Dielectric Slab Wave Guide. Transmission Lines: Circuit representation of parallel plane transmission line, Parallel -plane Transmission line with losses. Low Loss RF and UHF transmission lines, Transmission line analogy for wave guides Distortionless condition, Derivation of alpha and beta in transmission lines , Impedance Matching by means of stub lines. Radio Frequency lines or low loss lines, Ultra High Frequency transmission line (Transmission lines as circuit elements). Transmission -line charts, Design of stub to determine Stub location, stub distance and stub length using Smith Chart, BALUN.
“Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems”, Edward C. Jordan and Keith G. Balmain, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall.
“Concepts of Electromagnetic Field Theory”, Amit Sarin, 3rd edition, Kalyani Publishers.
“Electromagnetic Fields”, R. Meenakumari and R. Subasri, 2nd edition, New Age International Pvt. Ltd.
3.5 Credits
Open loop and closed systems, linear and non-linear systems, time variant & invariant, continuous and sampled data control systems, Mathematical Modeling of systems, equations of Linear electrical and mechanical systems, Use of Laplace transforms Transfer function, Block diagram representation, signal flow graphs and associated algebra, Characteristic equation, Time Domain Analysis, Transient response of the first and second order systems, Dominant closed loop poles of higher order systems, Steady state error and error constants, Pole-zero location and stability, Absolute and Relative Stability, Routh- Hurwitz Criterion, Root Locus Technique for analysis of control systems, sketching of the root locus, Determination of system transfer function for given gain K, damping ratio, Frequency Domain Analysis, Frequency response specifications, stability and loop transfer function, relative stability, relation between time and frequency response specifications for second order systems, Bode plots, Polar plots, and Nyquist stability criterion, Compensation, lag and lead compensating networks, State Space analysis, differential equation, closed loop transfer function, and Signal flow graph.
“Control System Engineering”, I. J. Nagrath and Gopal, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
“Automatic Control Systems”, B. C. Kuo, Prentice-Hall.
3.5 Credits
Microcomputer Structure and Operation, Organization of a Microprocessor-based System, Evolution of Intel Microprocessors, Instruction Set and Computer Languages, 8085 Assembly Language Programming, Programming model of 8085, Instruction Set, Instruction word size and data formats, assembly Language Programming, Data Transfer, Arithmetic and Logical Instructions, Addressing Modes, Functional Block Diagram and description, Bus Structure, Microprocessor-initiated Operations, Internal Data Operations, Externally-initiated Operations, Introduction to Memory devices, I/O devices, Logic Devices for Interfacing Case Study- Temperature Measurement and Display System using 8085, Interfacing Memory with 8085, De-multiplexing the Bus, Generating Memory Control Signals, Machine cycles and Bus Timings, Opcode Fetch Machine Cycle, Memory Read Machine Cycle, Memory Interfacing, branching Instructions, Stacks and Subroutines, Programming with the I/O Devices, Programming Interrupts, Serial I/O and Data Communication, Interfacing I/O Devices, peripheral-Mapped I/O, IN/OUT Instructions and Timing Diagrams, Device Selection and Data Transfer, Memory-Mapped I/O, Device Selection and Data, Interfacing Programmable Peripheral Devices, General Purpose, 8155 and 8255 Programmable Interval Timer 8254, Programmable Interrupt Controller 8279, DMA Controller 8257, Interfacing diagrams and Application Development, Introduction to 8086 Microprocessor, Architecture Diagram, Instruction Set of 8086, 8086 System Connections and Timing, Interrupts.
“Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications”, Ramesh Gaonkar, Penram International Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
“Microprocessors and Interfacing”, Douglas V. Hall, McGraw-Hill.
3 Credits
Introduction to Electronic Communications, Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum, Signals and its Representation, Primary Communication Resources, Elements of Electronic Communication System, Probability and Random Signals, Classification of Signals and Systems, Power Signal and Spectral Representation, Review of Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms, Complex Waves, The Sampling Function, Parseval’s Theorem, Geometric Representation of Signals, Signal Transmission through Linear System, Random Variables, Probability Distributions, Central Limit Theorem, Random Processes,Noise, Classification and Sources of Noise, Frequency Domain Representation of Noise, Representation of Narrowband Noise, Linear RC Filtering of Noise, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Noise Analysis and Measurements, Equivalent Noise Bandwidth and Noise Temperature, Noise Figure, Friis Formula for Noise Figure, Analog Modulation Techniques, Need of Modulation, Linear and Non-linear Mixing, Principles of Amplitude Modulation, DSBSC and SSB Modulation, Comparison of Conventional AM and SSB, ISB and VSB Transmission, Principles of Angle Modulation, Theory of FM – Basic Concepts, Narrowband and Wideband FM, Theory of Phase Modulation, Relationship between FM and PM, Advantages and Disadvantages of Angle Modulation, Comparison of AM, FM, and PM, Digital Transmission, Sampling Theorem, Pulse Modulation Techniques – PAM, PWM, PPM, and PCM, Quantization of Signals, Noise Performance of PCM Systems, Differential PCM, Delta Modulation, ADM, CVSDM, Comparison of PCM Techniques, Line Encoding and Pulse Shaping: Line Encoding Techniques, Desirable Properties of Line Encoding, Power Spectra of Discrete PAM Signals, Baseband Pulse Shaping for Data Transmission, Baseband Signal Receiver Model. Digital Modulation Techniques: Digital Data Analog Signals, ASK, FSK, PSK, DBPSK, M-ary PSK, QPSK, Offset QPSK, QAM, MSK, GMSK, and Performance of Digital Modulation Techniques.
“Principles of Communication System”, Millman Taub, Schilling and Gautam Saha, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2008.
“An Introduction to Analog & Digital Communications”, Simon Haykin, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
“Modern Communication Systems”, B. P. Lathi.
Summer Course | |||
Course Code | Title of the Course | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit |
ECT6201 | Industry Oriented Hands-on Courses* | 4 – 6 weeks | 6 |
5th Semester | |||
Course Code | Title of the Course | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit |
ECL3301 | Microcontroller and applications | 3+0+0 = 3 | 3 |
ECL5303 | Microelectronic Circuits | 4+1+0 = 5 | 4.5 |
ECL4305 | Digital Signal Processing | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
ECL4307 | Antenna and Wave Propagation | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
ECL4309 | Advanced Communication systems | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
ECP1301 | Microcontroller and applications Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
ECP1303 | Microelectronic Circuits Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
ECP1305 | Digital Signal Processing Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
ECP1309 | Advanced Communication systems Lab | 0+0+2 = 2 | 1 |
CLP2301 | Life Skills I | 0+0+3 = 3 | 1.5 |
CLP3305 | Integrated Project V | 0+0+2=2 | 3 |
GES1301 | Co curricular Activities | 1 | |
GEL2301/GEL2202 | Indian Culture and Heritage | 2+0+0 = 2 | 2 |
Total | 35 | 29.5 |
6th Semester | |||
Course Code | Title of the Course | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit |
CSL4208/CSL4308 | Computer System Architecture | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
ECL5304 | Digital VLSI Design | 4+1+0 = 5 | 4.5 |
ECL4306 | Wireless Communication | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
Open Elective | 3+0+0=3 | 3 | |
Elective I | 4+1+0 = 5 | 4.5 | |
ECP2304 | VLSI Design Lab | 0+0+4 = 4 | 2 |
ECP2308 | Lab Oriented Project I | 0+0+3 = 3 | 1.5 |
CLW2302 | Life Skills II | 0+0+3 = 3 | 1.5 |
CLP3306 | Integrated Project VI | 0+0+2=2 | 3 |
GES1302 | Co curricular Activities | 1 | |
Total | 33 | 28 |
Suggested List of Open Electives | |
CSL4207 | Operating System |
ECL3304 | Wireless Sensor Networks |
BSL4301 | Human Resource Management |
EEL4411 | Energy Management and Auditing |
Elective I | |
ECL5306 | Introduction to MEMS |
ECL5308 | Speech and Image Processing |
ECL5310 | Power Electronics |
ECL5312 | Information Theory and Coding |
ECL5314 | Microwave and Satellite Communication |
3.5 Credits
Introduction to Computer Organization & Architecture: Evolution of Computers from 1st Generation to Pentium and Power PC, Von Neumann machine Flynn’s Classification – SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD, Basic Computer Organization: Computer Registers, Instruction Codes, Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle, Memory Reference Instructions Input-Output and Interrupt, Complete Computer Description. Basic Computer Organization taking 8085 as an example binary arithmetic – add, subtract, multiply – algorithms and implementations, Microprogrammed Control: Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro program Example, Design of Control unit, Central Processing Unit: General Register Organization, Stack Organization. Instruction Format ( Three address, Two Address, One address, Zero address), Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program control, RISC/CISC Characteristics, Pipelining and Instruction cycle, Input-Output Organization: Peripheral Devices, I/O Interface Asynchronous Data Transfer, Modes of Transfer Direct Memory Access(DMA),DMA Transfer, DMA Controller Input-Output Processor(IOP), CPU-IOP Communication, Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy Main Memory(RAM & ROM Chips), Auxiliary Memory(Magnetic Disc & Tapes) Associative Memory Cache Memory(Associative Mapping, Direct Mapping, Set-Associative Mapping), Virtual Memory.
Suggested Book(s):
“Computer System Architecture”, M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education, 2008.
Different types of microcontrollers, Processor Architectures, Comparison of microprocessor and microcontroller, Architecture of 8051 microcontroller, Overview of 8051 family. 8051 Instruction Set, Introduction to Assembly programming, Assembling and running an 8051 program. Data Types and directives.8051 flag bits and PSW register. Register banks and stack, Jump loop and call instructions, I/O Port programming: Addressing modes and accessing memory using various addressing modes. Arithmetic instructions and programs, Logic instructions and programs, Single bit instructions and programming, Power Supply Considerations, Reset and Clock Connections, Programming Timers/Counters of 8051, Interrupt Programming, Serial I/O Communication with 8051, Interfacing of LED’s, Photo detectors, DC Motor, Stepper motor, Switches, Relays, 7-Segment Display, LCD, Keypad, Sensors other I/O devices, Programming in Embedded C: I/O Ports, Timers/Counters, Interrupts, Serial I/O in Embedded C, Introduction to AVR, PIC, ARM Microcontrollers and their hardware features.
Suggested Book(s):
“Programming and Customizing the 8051 microcontroller”, Myke Predko, McGraw-Hill.
“The 8051 microcontroller and Embedded Systems”, Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Prentice-Hall.
4.5 Credits
ECP1303 Microelectronic Circuits Lab (0-0-2)
1 Credit
Signal Generators and Waveform-Shaping Circuits:
Linear Wave shaping: RC , RL and RLC Circuits-High Pass RC Circuit, High Pass RC circuit with exponential and Ramp inputs, High pass RC circuit as a Differentiator, Double Differentiation, Low Pass RC circuit, Low Pass RC circuit with exponential and Ramp inputs, Low pass RC circuit as an Integrator, Attenuator, RL circuits, RLC circuits, Ringing circuits. Bistable Multivibrators- Stable states of binary, Fixed bias transistor binary, Self biased transistor binary, commutating capacitors, methods of improving resolution, unsymmetrical triggering of binary, triggering unsymmetrically through a unilateral device, symmetrical triggering, Schmitt trigger, Emitter Coubpled Binary. Monostable and Astable multivibrators- monostable multi, gate width of a collector coupled monostabe multi, waveforms of collector coupled monostable multivibrator, Emitter coupled monostable multivibrator, Gate width of an emitter coupled one shot, triggering of monostable multivibrator , monostable circuit adjusted for free running operation, Astable collector coupled multi , Astable emitter coupled multi Op-amp with Negative Feedback: Block Diagram representations of feedback configurations, Voltage Series Feedback Amplifier, Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifier Differential Amplifiers with one and two op-amps, Op Amp as DC and AC amplifiers, Peaking amplifier, Summing, Scaling and averaging amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier, Voltage to Current converter, Current to Voltage converter, Op-amp as Integrator, Differentiator, Basic Comparator, Zero Crossing Detector, Peak Detector, Sample and Hold Circuit. Oscillators- Principle, Types, Frequency Stability. Phase Shift Oscillator, Wien Bridge Oscillator, Quadrature Oscillator, Square Wave Generator, Triangular Wave Generator, Saw tooth Wave Generator, Voltage Controlled Oscillator.
Filters and Tuned Amplifiers:
Filter transmission, types and specification, Filter transfer function, Butterworth and Chebyshev filters, First and second order filter functions, Second order LCR resonator.Filter transmission, types and specification, Filter transfer function, Butterworth and Chebyshev filters, First and second order filter functions, Second order LCR resonator. Tuned Amplifiers: Basic principle, Inductor losses, use of transformers, Amplifier with multiple tuned circuits, synchronous tuning, stagger tuning, Class C tuned amplifier.
Suggested Book(s):
“Pulse Digital and Switching Waveforms”, Jacob Millman and Herbert Taub, McGraw-Hill.
“Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Ramakant A. Gayakwad, 3rd edition, Pearson Education.
“Microelectronic Circuits”, Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, 5th edition, Oxford University Press.
3.5 Credits
ECP1305 Digital Signal Processing Lab (0-0-2)
Introduction, elements and advantages of Digital Signal Processing, Discrete time Signal and Systems, Time domain characterization, Z-Transforms, Region of Convergence (ROC), system function of LTI systems in Z-domain, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), DTFT, Convolution using DFT. Circular Convolution, Fast Fourier transform (FFT), Digital Filter structures, Structures for realization of discrete time systems: direct forms I and II, cascade form, FIR and IIR systems, Finite word length effects, quantization process and errors, coefficient quantization effects, arithmetic round-off errors, Limit cycles in IIR filters, Design of IIr and FIR digital filters, Transformation and Matched Z transform techniques, Analog and digital domain frequency transformation, Multirate systems, multirate processing, Interpolation and decimation, filter banks and subband coding.
Suggested Book(s):
“Digital Signal Processing”, John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manoiaias, 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
“Digital Signal Processing”, Sanjit K. Mitra, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
“Multirate Systems and Filter Banks”, P. P. Vaidhyanathan, Prentice-Hall.
3.5 Credits
Radiation in single wire, two wire, and dipole, Current Distribution on a thin wire antenna, Radiation Pattern, Radiation Power, Density, Radiation intensity, Directivity, Gain, Antenna efficiency, Beam width, Bandwidth, Polarization, Antenna Input Impedance, Elementary idea about self and mutual impedance, Radiation efficiency, Effective aperture, Antenna Temperature, Linear Wire Antennas, Retarded potential, Infinitesimal dipole, Current distribution, Far-field, Radiating near-field and reactive near-field region, Monopole and Half wave dipole, Antenna Arrays of two point sources, Array factor, n-element linear array, Broadside array, Ordinary end-fire array, Hansen-woodyard end fire array, n-element linear array with non-uniform spacing, Binomial and Dolph-Tchebyschev array, Scanning Array, Super directive array, Aperture Antennas, Field Equivalence principle, Rectangular and circular aperture antennas, Horn antenna, Babinet’s Principle, Slot Antenna, Reflector antenna, Ground wave Propagation, Free space equation, Reflection from earth’s surface, Surface and Space wave propagation for vertical and horizontal dipole, Field strength of Space wave, Range of space wave propagation, Effective earth’s radius, space wave propagation, Modified refractive index, Duct propagation, Tropospheric propagation, Ionospheric Propagation, Structure of ionosphere, propagation of radio waves through ionosphere, Refractive index of ionosphere, Reflection and refraction of waves by ionosphere, Critical frequency, Maximum usable frequency, Optimum working frequency , Lowest usable high frequency, virtual height, Skip Distance, Effect of earth’s magnetic field.
Suggested Book(s):
“Antenna Theory”, C. A. Balanis, John Wiley & Sons.
“Electromagnetics and Radiating Systems”, E.C. Jordan, Prentice-Hall.
3.5 Credits
ECP1309 Advanced Communication Systems Lab (0-0-2)
Modulation Techniques, FDM, Signal Radiation and Propagation, Digital Audio and Video Broadcast Systems, Software Defined Radio, Cognitive Radio, AM Transmission and Reception, AM Receivers – TRF and Superheterodyne, Receiver Parameters, RF Amplifier Circuits, Frequency Conversion and Mixers, Radio Frequency Tracking and Alignment, IF Amplifier, AM Detector Circuit with AGC, Net Receiver Gain, Noise Calculations in AM, DSBSC Modulator and Demodulator, Noise Calculations in DSBSC System, SSB Generation techniques, SSB Receivers, Noise Calculations in SSB Systems, FM Transmission and Reception, Commercial FM Standards, Direct-FM Varactor Diode Modulator, FM Reactance Modulator, PLL Direct FM Modulator, Armstrong Indirect FM Transmitter, FM Receivers and Demodulators, Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis, Slope Detector, Foster-Seeley FM Discriminator, Ratio FM Detector, Quadrature FM Demodulator, FMFB, FM Detection using PLL, Noise in Angle Modulation Systems, Communications Receivers, Multiplexing in Telecommunications Networks, TDM, PAM/TDM System, Intersymbol Interference and Eye Pattern, Scrambling and Unscrambling, T1 Digital Carrier System, Digital Signal Hierarchy, North American and European Digital Carrier System, Information Theory, Properties of Information, Measure of Information, Entropy, Differential Entropy, Entropy of Extended Discrete, Binary, and Multi-level Memoryless Source, Discrete Memoryless Channels, Joint and Conditional Entropy, Mutual Information and Channel Capacity, Source Coding, Shannon’s Source Coding Theorem, Shannon-Fano Source Coding, Data Compaction, Prefix Source Coding, Huffman Source Coding, Lempel-Ziv Coding, Channel Coding, Information Capacity Theorem, Hartley-Shannon Law, Rate Distortion Theory, Compression of Information, Errors in data communication, Linear Block Coding, Cyclic Codes and its Syndrome Calculations, Convolutional Coding and Viterbi decoding, Spread Spectrum Communication, PN Sequences, Direct Sequence, Frequency Hopping, Time Hopping, Comparison of Spread Spectrum Methods, SS Communication System, DSSS with Coherent BPSK, Pocessing Gain, Probability of Error, FHSS Transmitter and FHSS Receiver.
Suggested Book(s):
“Principles of Communication System”, Millman Taub Schilling and Gautam Saha, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2008.
“Communication Systems: Analog & Digital”, Singh and Sapre, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
3.5 Credits
Data communication, Data representation, Data Flow Network Criteria, Physical structures, Categories of a network, Internet History, Protocols and Standards, OSI reference Model, TCP/IP reference Model, Types of Addressing, Circuit Switched & Packet Switched networks, Virtual circuit Networks, LAN standards, Ethernet, CSMA/CD, Token Ring, Token Bus, frame formats, FDDI, Ethernet cabling, NIC, Repeater, Router, Bridges, Switches, Transceivers, hubs, Cable Modems, Bus and Star Backbone, Virtual LAN, Data link & N/W layer, Data Link Control, Framing, Flow and Error control, Noiseless Channels, Simplest Protocol, Stop-and-Wait Protocol, Noisy Channels, Stop-and-Wait Automatic Repeat Request, Go-Back-N Automatic Repeat Request, Selective Repeat Automatic Repeat Request. HDLC & SDLC, Transport layer, Process to process delivery, Transport layer Protocols -TCP, UDP, Frame formats, Operation and services, N/W Protocols, Low level Protocols, SLIP, PPP, High level Protocols, ARP, RARP, Application Layer, File Transfer, FTP, Email – SMTP & MIME & POP3, HTTP, Network Security Services, Digital Signature, Firewalls.
Suggested Book(s):
“Data Communication and Networking”, Behrouz A Forouzan, McGraw-Hill.
4.5 Credits
ECP2304 Digital VLSI Lab (0-0-4)
UNIT 1: Introduction and overview of VLSI Circuit Design, Circuits, fabrication, and layout, Microprocessor example. UNIT 2: CMOS transistor theory, DC and transient response, Logical effort, Interconnect engineering. UNIT 3: Combinational circuit design and Circuit families. UNIT 4: Sequential circuit design and Memories. UNIT 5: Non-ideal transistor characteristics, Design margining and circuit pitfalls. UNIT 6: Design for Testability UNIT 7: Packaging, I/O, & clock and power distribution. UNIT 8: Scaling.
Suggested Book(s):
“CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective”, Weste AND Harris, 3rd edition, Addison- Wesley.
“Cmos Digital Integrated Circuits”, S. M. Kang and Yusuf Leblebici, McGraw Hill.
“Application Specific Integrated Circuits”, Michael Smith, 1st edition, Addison-Wesley.
“CMOS Logic Circuit Design”, John P. Uyemura, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
3.5 Credits
History, evolution, comparison and applications of Wireless Communication Systems, 1G, 2G, 3G systems, Mobile Communication Engineering, Radio Paths, Propagation Attenuation, Propagation Mechanisms – Reflection, Diffraction, Scattering, Mobile Radio Channel, Multipath Fading, Delay Spread, Doppler Shift, Coherence Bandwidth, Coherence Time, Propagation Models, Outdoor Propagation Path-loss Models – Okumara, Hata, COST-231, Longley-Rice, Durkin’s, Indoor Propagation Path-loss Models – Partition and Building Penetration Losses, Log-distance and Attenuation Factor Path Loss Models, Multiple Access Techniques, FDMA, TDMA, Frame Efficiency, SSMA, CDMA, SDMA, Hybrid Multiple Access Techniques, PRMA, ALOHA and CSMA Protocols, Cellular Communication, Cell Structure and Cluster, Frequency Reuse, Cluster Size and System Capacity, Co-channel Cells, Co-channel Interference and Signal Quality, Cellular Antenna System Design, Antenna Characteristics, Antennas at Cell Site, Mobile Antennas, Omni-directional, directional Antenna Cellular System, 3-sector 6-Sector Cellular System Design, Microcell Zone, Frequency Management and Channel Assignment, Channel Grouping, Set-up and Voice channels, Adjacent Channel, Channel Sharing/Borrowing Scheme, Channel Prioritizing, Overlapped Cells-based Assignment, Dynamic and Hybrid Channel Assignment, Cellular System Design Trade-offs.
“Wireless Communications”, T. L. Singal,1st edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
“Mobile Communications Engineering”, William C. Y. Lee, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 2008.
3 Credits
Introduction: Mainframe systems , Desktop Systems , Multiprocessor Systems , Distributed Systems ,Clustered Systems , Real Time Systems Handheld Systems . System Components, Operating System Services, System Calls/API, System Program, Process Concept: Process Scheduling, Operations On Processes, Cooperating Processes, Inter-process Communication, Threads Multithreading Models, Overview, Threading issues, Linux Threads, CPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Multiple-Processor Scheduling Real Time Scheduling, Process Synchronization: The Critical-Section Problem. Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classic problems of Synchronization, Critical regions, Monitors, Deadlock: System Model Deadlock Characterization, Methods for handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock avoidance, Deadlock detection, Recovery From Deadlocks, Memory Management: Swapping, paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with paging, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, Process creation, Page Replacement Algorithms, Allocation of frames, Thrashing, File Concept: Access Methods Directory Structure File System Mounting, File Sharing, Protection, File System Structure, and File System Implementation Directory Implementation Allocation Methods Free-space Management. Kernel I/O Subsystems. Disk Structure – Disk Scheduling, Disk Management – Swap-Space Management, Security: Security Problem, User Authentication Problem, Program Threats, System Threats, OS Case study – UNIX/ Linux/ Windows.
“Operating System Concepts”, Abraham Silberschatz; Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, 6th edition, John Wiley & Sons.
3 Credits
Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks, Enabling Technologies For Wireless Sensor Networks.
Single-Node Architecture – Hardware Components, Energy Consumption of Sensor Nodes , Operating Systems and Execution Environments, Network Architecture – Sensor Network Scenarios, Optimization Goals and Figures of Merit, Gateway Concepts.
Physical Layer and Transceiver Design Considerations, MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks, Low Duty Cycle Protocols And Wakeup Concepts – S-MAC , The Mediation Device Protocol, Wakeup Radio Concepts, Address and Name Management, Assignment of MAC Addresses, Routing Protocols- Energy-Efficient Routing, Geographic Routing.
Topology Control , Clustering, Time Synchronization, Localization and Positioning, Sensor Tasking and Control.
Sensor Node Hardware – Berkeley Motes, Programming Challenges, Node-level software platforms, Node-level Simulators, State-centric programming, Xbee platform
“Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Holger Karl and Andreas Willig, John Wiley, 2005.
“Application and Multidisciplinary Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks: Concepts, Integration, and Case Studies”, Liljana Gavrilovska; Srdjan Krco; Veljko Milutinovic; Ivan Stojmenovic and Roman Trobec, Springer.
“Building Wireless Sensor Networks”, Robert Faludi, O’Reilly Publication.
3 Credits
Energy Scenario: Perspective of Energy Sources (conventional and non-conventional), Utilization & demand projections, World and Indian Scenario, Energy Conservation and its Importance. The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 and its Features, Global environment concerns. Basics of energy and its form, units and conversions. Energy Efficiency in Electric Utilities. Introduction to electrical power supply system, Electricity billing, Electrical load management and maximum demand control, Power factor improvement and benefits, location and sizing of capacitors, Operation and location of transformers, System distribution losses, harmonics. Energy conservation in: Electric motors, DG set system, Buildings, Compressed air system, HVAC & Refrigeration System, Fans & blowers, Pumps & pumping system, cooling towers, Energy efficient practices in lighting. Energy Audit: Need, Types and Methodology, Energy audit reporting format, Understanding energy costs, benchmarking and energy performance, Fuel and energy substitution, Energy audit instruments. Cogeneration: Need, principle of cogeneration, classification, technical parameters for cogeneration. Waste heat recovery: Introduction, advantages and applications, commercially viable waste heat recovery devices, saving potential.
“General Aspects of Energy Management and Energy Audit”, V. S. Verma, Bureau of Energy Efficiency.
“Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities”, V. S. Verma, Bureau of Energy Efficiency.
Introduction: Introduction to Human Resource Management and its definition, Functions of Human Resource Management & its relation to other managerial functions. Nature, Scope and Importance of Human Resource Management in Industry, Role & position of Personnel function in the organization. Procurement and Placement: Need for Human Resource Planning; Process of Human Resource Planning; Methods of Recruitment; Recruitment tests and interviewing; Meaning and Importance of Placement and Induction, Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of vacancies) Act 1959, The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970.Training & Development: Difference between training and Development; Principles of Training; Employee Development; Promotion-Merit v/s seniority, Performance Appraisal, Career Development & Planning.Job analysis & Design: Job Analysis: Job Description , Job Specification. Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction and its importance; Motivation, Factors affecting motivation, Introduction to Motivation Theory; Workers ‘ Participation, Quality of work life.The Compensation Function: Basic concepts in wage administration, company’s wage policy, Job Evaluation, Issues in wage administration, Bonus & Incentives, Payment of Wages Act-1936, Minimum Wages Act-1961.Integration: Human Relations and Industrial Relations; Difference between Human Relations and Industrial Relations, Factors required for good Human Relation Policy in Industry; Employee Employer relationship Causes and Effects of Industrial disputes; Employees Grievances & their Redressal, Administration of Discipline, Communication in organization, Absenteeism, Labour Turnover, Changing face of the Indian work force and their environment, Importance of collective Bargaining; Role of trader unions in maintaining cordial Industrial Relations.Maintenance: Fringe & retirement terminal benefits, Administration of welfare amenities, Meaning and Importance of Employee Safety, Accidents-Causes & their Prevention, Safety Previsions under the Factories Act 1948; Welfare of Employees and its Importance, Social security, Family Pension Scheme, ESI act 1948, Workmen’s Gratuity Act 1972, Future challenges for Human Resource Management.
“Human Resource Management”, P. Jyothi and D. N. Venkatesh, Oxford University Press.
“Personnel Management and Human Resources”, C. S. Venkata Ratnam and B. K. Srivastava, McGraw-Hill.
“Human Resource Management”, Dr. T. N. Chhabra, Dhanpat Rai & Company.
4.5 Credits
Applications of MEMS: Applications with Artificial Neural Networks , Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Control. Introduction: Introduction to MEMS, Microsystems vs. MEMS, Markets for microsystem and MEMS, case studies.
An Approach to MEMS Design: Design, Device Categories, high level design issues, The design process, modeling levels, Microfabrication- overview & wafer-level processes, Microsystem design, Pattern Transfer.
Mechanical properties of MEMS material: Introduction, Mechanical Property Definitions, Test Methods, Specimen and Test Structure Preparation,Dimension Measurement, Force and Displacement Measurement, StrainMeasurement, Tensile Tests, Bend Tests, Resonant Structure Tests, Membrane Tests, Indentation Tests and Other Test Methods, Fracture Tests, Fatigue Tests, Creep Tests, Round-Robin Tests, Mechanical Properties, Initial Design Values.
Flow Physics: Introduction,Fluid Modeling, Navier-Stokes Equations, Compressibility, Boundary Conditions, Molecular-Based Models, Liquid Flows, Surface Phenomena.
Integrated Simulation for MEMS:Introduction, Full-System Simulation, Computational Complexity of MEMS Flows, Coupled-Domain Problems, Coupled Circuit-Device Simulation, Overview of Simulators, Types of Simulator, Circuit-Micro-Fluidic Device Simulation, Software Integration, Lumped-Element and Compact Models for Devices, Effective Time-Stepping Algorithms, Demonstrations of the Integrated Simulation Approach. Lubrications in MEMS: Introduction, Fundamental Scaling Issues, Governing Equations for Lubrication, Couette-Flow Damping, Squeeze-Film Damping, Lubrication in Rotating Devices, Constraints on MEMS Bearing Geometries, Thrust Bearings, Journal Bearings, Fabrication Issues, Tribology and Wear.
“Microsystem Design”, Stephen D. Senturia, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
“MEMS – Introduction and Fundamentals”, Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, 2nd edition, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
4.5 Credits
Fundamentals Of Digital Speech Processing, Discrete Time Signals and systems, Transform representation of signals and systems, fundamentals of digital filter, Sampling Theorm-decimation and interpolation. Digital Models for the speech signals- The process of Speech Production, The Acoustic Theory of Speech Production, Lossless Tube Models, Digital models for speech signals. Homomorphic speech processing- Homomorphic Systems for convolution, the complex cepstrum of speech, pitch detection, format estimation, Homomorphic vocoder. Linear Predictive Coding of speech- Basic principles of linear predictive analysis, computation of gain for the model, Solution of LPC equations, Elements of speech synthesis and speech recognition. Introduction of digital Image Processing : What Is Image Processing, Fundamental Steps In Digital Image Processing, Components Of Image Processing System, Image sensing and Acquisition, Image Sampling And Quantization, Basic Relationships Between Pixels Image Enhancement in spatial domain : Background, Basic Gray Level Transformations, Image Negatives, Log Transformations, Power Law Transformations, Piecewise Linear Transformation Functions, Histograms Processing, Enhancement Using Arithmetic/Logic Operations – Image Subtraction, Image Averaging, Basics of spatial filtering Color Image Processing : Color Fundamentals, Color Models , Basics Of Full Color Image Processing – Color Transformation ,Smoothing And Sharpening
Image Compression and Restoration: Image Compression Fundamentals: Coding Redundancy, Interpixel Redundancy, Psychovisual Redundancy, Fidelity Criteria, Image Compression Models: The Source Encoder and Decoder, The Channel Encoder and Decoder, Elements of Information theory, Error free compression: Variable length coding, LZW Coding, Bit-Plane Coding, Lossless Predictive Coding. A model of the Image degradation/ Restoration Process, Restoration in the presence of noise- spatial filtering: Mean filters, Order-Statistics filters, Adaptive Filters.
“Digital Processing of Speech Signals”, L. R. Rabiner and Ronald W. Schafer, Pearson Education.
“Digital Image Processing”, Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E Woods, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.
4.5 Credits
Power semiconductor switches Power diodes, Thyristors ,V-I characteristics, principle of operation , two transistor analogy, turn on methods of a thyristor switching characteristics of thyristors during tum-on and turn-off, gate characteristics, latching current and holding current. Firing of thyristors, gate triggering circuits, series and parallel operation of SCRs and their triggering circuits. Thyristor specifications, dv/dt and di/dt, PTV etc. Protection of SCR from over voltage and over current, Snubber circuits, Power dissipation. MOSFET,IGBT,SUS,PUT,SCS, GTO, LASCR, DIAC and TRIAC.
Thyristor commutation techniques: Load commutation (Class A), Resonant Pulse commutation (class B) Impulse commutation (class D), Line commutation (class F).
Phase controlled techniques : Introduction to phase angle control. Single phase half wave controlled rectifiers. Single phase half controlled and full controlled bridge rectifiers. Three phase full controlled bridge rectifiers. Effect of resistive, inductive and resistive cum inductive loads. Basic circuit and principle of operation of dual Converter, circulating current mode and non-circulating current mode of operation. AC Voltage Controllers : Types of single-phase voltage controllers, Single-phase voltage controller with R and RL type of loads. Three phase voltage controller configurations with R Load.Choppers DC Choppers: Classification & operation of choppers (A,B,C,D,E), control strategies, operation of voltage, current and load commutated choppers. AC Choppers : Principles of operation, Single phase to single phase step up and step down cycloconverters. Three phase to single phase and three-phase to three-phase cycloconverters, Output voltage equation for a cycloconverter Inverters : Introduction to inverter. Operating principle and steady state analysis of single phase, voltage source, bridge inverter. Modified Mcmurray half-bridge and full bridge inverter. Three phase bridge inverter. Voltage control (PWM control etc.) and reduction of harmonics in the inverter output voltage. Series inverter.
“Power Electronics”, Ned Mohan; Tore M. Undeland and William P. Robbins, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
“Power Electronics – Circuits, Devices & Applications”, Mohammed H. Rashid, Prentice-Hall, 1995.
4.5 Credits
Source Coding Introduction to Information Theory , Uncertainty and Information, Average Mutual Information and Entropy , Information Measures for Continuous Random Variables , Source Coding Theorem , Huffman Coding.
Channel Capacity and Coding.
Introduction , Channel models, Channel Capacity, Channel Coding , Information Capacity Theorem , The Shannon Limit , Random selection of codes Linear Block Codes.
Introduction to error correcting codes , Basic Definitions , Matrix description of linear block codes , Equivalent codes , Parity check matrix , Decoding of a linear block code , Syndrome decoding , Error probability after decoding (Probability of error correction) , Perfect codes , Hamming Codes , Optimal linear codes , Maximum distance separable (MDS) codes.
Introduction to cyclic codes , Polynomials , The division algorithm for polynomials , A method for generating cyclic codes , Matrix description of cyclic codes , Burst error correction , Fire Codes, Golay Codes , Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Codes , Circuit Implementation of Cyclic Codes
“Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography”, Ranjan Bose, McGraw-Hill.
“Communication Systems”, Simon Haykin, 4th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
4.5 credits
Microwave generation: Klystrons, Reflex Klystrons, Magnetrons and other devices, Microwave tubes, Microwave components, Microwave measurements, power, frequency, wavelength, microwave transmission media, Anisotropy media, impedance, Hollow, surface wave, dielectric waveguide, waves on a transmission line, standing wave ration, quarter wave transformers.
Microwave Engineering for wireless system: Microwave networks, Active networks, Design of matching networks, Noise, Microwave link, Rectifier and Detector Design, Frequency and Modulation Techniques, Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.
Satellite Communication: Introduction, Orbits, station keeping, satellite altitude, transmission path, path loss, noise consideration, satellite system, saturation flux density, effective isotropic radiated power, multiple access methods, earth station antenna, satellite link design, frequency plan, satellite communication for Internet, VSAT network, One-way, two-way and open-sky satellite communication, GNSS-GPS and Galileo systems and GIS, Satellite Navigation, DBS-TV.
Radar: Basic principles, Radar equation, factors influencing maximum range, effect of noise, power and frequencies used in Radar, types of Radar, Basic pulsed Radar system, Modulators, receivers, Bandwidth requirements, factors governing pulse characteristics, Duplexer, moving target indicator (MTI), tracking Radar systems and search systems.
“Radio Frequency and Microwave Electronics”, Mathew M. Radmanesh, Pearson Education.
“Foundations for Microwave Engineering”, R. E. Collin, McGraw-Hill.
“Satellite Communication”, Robert M. Gagliardi.
“Principle of Radar communication”, Grolsky.
In the final year of BE (ECE) Program, the student has the option of pursuing co-op track or semester track. In the co-op track, the student takes-up a year-long co-op project at a designated industry, while in the semester track, the student takes regular courses at campus and in the other semester takes up internship at a designated industry.
(a) For students pursuing semester track:
7th/8th Semesters | |||
Course Code | Title of the Course | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit |
ECL4402 | Data Communication and Networks | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
MEL4401 | Total Quality Management | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 |
AML4401 | Optimization Techniques | 3+1+0 = 3.5 | 4 |
Elective -II | 3+1+0 = 4 | 3.5 | |
Elective – III | 4+0+0 = 4 | 4 | |
Elective-II Lab | 0+0+2=2 | 1 | |
ECP4419 | Lab Oriented Project-II | 0+0+8 =8 | 4 |
Total | 30 | 23 |
Elective II | |
ECL4401 | Embedded System Design |
ECL4403 | Biomedical Instrumentation |
ECL4405 | Industrial Automation and Instrumentation |
ECL4407 | Optical Communication |
ECP1401 | Embedded System Design – Lab |
ECP1403 | Biomedical Instrumentation – Lab |
ECP1405 | Industrial Automation and Instrumentation – Lab |
ECP1407 | Optical Communication – Lab |
Elective III | |
ECL4409 | Wireless Systems and Networks |
ECL4411 | Robotics |
ECL4413 | Photovoltaic Devices |
ECL4415 | Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic |
ECL4417 | VLSI fabrication Principles |
ECL4410 | FPGA based System Design |
Course Code | Title of the Course | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit |
ECT9401 | Industry Oriented Hand on Experience* | 20 | |
Total | 20 |
(b) For students doing co-op track:
Course Code | Title of the Course | Hours (L+T+P) | Credit |
ECT9410 | Co-op project at Industry | 40 | |
Total | 40 |
3.5 Credits
Definition and significance of TQM, Inspection and progressing to Quality Control, TQC and TQM, Models and benefits of TQM, Excellence and its Factors, Benchmarking , Definition ,significance and types of Benchmarking, Just In Time(JIT), Definition, significance, comparison and contrast with Material Requirement Planning (MRP), Elements of JIT, KANBAN System, Types of Waste, Waste elimination methods, Implementation of JIT and difficulties therein, Customer Satisfaction, Definition and importance of Customer, Customer satisfaction and customer delight, Complaint redressal mechanism, data collection and follow up, Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, Quality Function Deployment (QFD ), significance and implementation, House of Quality, Lanning and Policy Deployment, Long term and short term plans, Formulation and implementation of Plans, Policy, Vision, Mission, Quality Policy and Quality objectives, stages in policy formulation and policy deployment, Total Employee Involvement (TEI), Empowering of employees, Leadership, Team building, Reward and recognition, Education and training, suggestion schemes, Quality Circles, constitution, functions and benefits, Process and process management, Factors affecting process management, Problems Solving, Quality Control Tools, Quality Management Systems(QMS), International Standards Organization (ISO), ISO 9000, Developments of ISO 9000 Systems, ISO 9001: 2008, Advance Techniques of TQM, Design of Experiments, Taguchi concepts and techniques, Six Sigma, Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Implementation of TQM of India, Problem and suggested solutions.
“Total Quality Management”, Dale H. Besterfield et al., Pearson Education.
“Total Quality Management”, Dr. D. D. Sharma, Sultan Chand and Bros.
3.5 Credits
Introduction to Operations Research, Formulation of Linear Programming Problem. Standard form of LPP graphical solution of LPP, convex theory, Fundamental theory of LPP
The Simplex method, the big M-method the two-phase method, degeneracy Exceptional cases of LPP i.e. alternative optimal solution, unbounded solution, infeasible solution Definition of the Dual Problem, the relationship between the optimal primal and dual solution Dual Simplex Method, Primal-Dual computations, Sensitivity Analysis. Mathematical formulation of Transportation Model, Initial BFS with N-W corner method, LCM, VAM method, Optimal Solution using U-V method Assignment Problem , Hungarian Method Integer Programming , Relationship to linear programming, Branch and Bound Algorithm
Network Models: Network definition, Spanning Tree, Shortest Path ,Maximal Flow problem , Removal of redundancy. Network computations, Free and Total slack, CPM and PERT, Project Management, Crashing Elements of a Queuing Model, Role of Exponential Distribution, Birth and Death Models Steady state measures of performance, single server models, and multi-server models.
Sequencing of ‘n’ jobs and ’2′ Machines,’n’ jobs and ’3′ Machines,’n’ jobs and ‘m’ machines, Main features of Dynamic programming problem(DPP), Recursive nature of computations in DPP, Forward and Backward Recursion. Introduction to NLPP: Unconstrained Optimization , Search Techniques,Dichotomus Search,Fibonacci Method,Constrained Optimization,Lagrange’s Multiplier method, KKT conditions.
“ Operations Research – An Introduction”, Taha Hamdy, 8th edition, Prentice-Hall.
“Introductory Operation Research: Theory and Applications”,H. S. Kasana, Springer Verlag, 2005.
3.5 Credits
1 Credit
Overview of Embedded design cycle, Hardware/Software partitioning, hardware/software integration, Debugging techniques, and final product prototyping, Tool selection process, embedded software development techniques, BDM, JATAG based testing, In-Circuit Emulation technique. DEVICES & BUSES FOR EMBEDDED NETWORK
I/O devices; timer & counting devices; serial communication using I2C, CAN, USB buses; parallel communication using ISA, PCI, PCI/X buses, ARM bus; interfacing with devices/ports, device drivers in a system – Serial port & parallel port.
Intel I/O instruction – Transfer rate, latency; interrupt driven I/O – Non-maskable interrupts; software interrupts, writing interrupt service routine in C & assembly languages; preventing interrupt overrun; disability interrupts. Multi threaded programming – Context switching, premature & non-premature multitasking, semaphores. Scheduling – Thread states, pending threads, context switching, round robin scheduling, priority based scheduling, assigning priorities, deadlock, Priority Inversion and related protocols and watch dog timers.
Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS, Basics of real time & embedded system operating systems, RTOS – Interrupt handling, task scheduling, Task synchronization techniques, POSIX real time extension and related APIs.
“Embedded Systems Design – An introduction to Processes, Tools & Techniques”, Arnold S. Berger, CMP Books.
“Real Time Concepts for Embedded Systems”, Qing Lee and Caroline Yao.
“Embedded System Design – Architecture, Programming and Design”, Raj Kamal, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill.
3.5 Credits
1 Credits
Anatomy and Physiology, Physiological systems of the body, Basic medical instrumentation system, performance requirements of medical instrumentation system, Origin of bio-electric signals, Electrode theory, Different types of electrodes Recording electrodes, Selection criteria for transducers, Electrodes for ECG, EEG, Electrical conductivity of electrode jellies and creams, Microelectrodes, Electrocardiograph, Basics of EEG, Basics of EMG, Heart and cardiovascular system Construction of heart, Measurement of blood pressure, Measurement of heart rate, measurement of pulse rate, measurement of temperature, measurement of respiration rate, Introduction of biotelemetry, components of telemetry, implantable units, applications of telemetry in patient care, Oximetry, Ear oximeter, Pulse oximeter, Electromagnetic blood flow meters, NMR Blood Flow meter, Spiro-meter, Pulmonary function analyzers, Respiratory gas analyzers, Acid base balance, Blood pH measurement, measurement of blood PCO2 , blood PO2 measurement, Mechanism of hearing, measurement of sound, basic audiometer, Pure tone audio meters, Speech audiometers, Evoked response audio-metric systems, Electric shock Hazards, leakage currents, safety codes for electromagnetic equipment, electrical safety analyzer, Basics of diagnostic radiology, nature of x-rays, production of X rays , X Ray Machines, Need for cardiac pacemakers, Internal pacemakers, external pacemakers, Need for a Defibrillator, DC defibrillators, Implantable defibrillators.
“Embedded Systems Design – An introduction to Processes, Tools & Techniques”, Arnold S. Berger, CMP Books.
“Real Time Concepts for Embedded Systems”, Qing Lee and Caroline Yao.
“Embedded System Design – Architecture, Programming and Design”, Raj Kamal, 2nd edition, McGraw- Hill.
3.5 Credits
1 Credits
Introduction about Instrumentation systems, Types of Instrumentation systems, Data acquisition system and its uses in intelligent Instrumentation system, Detailed study of each block involved in making of DAS. Signal Conditioners: as DA, IA, Signal Converters (ADC & DAC), Sample and hold, Designing of Pressure, Temperature measuring instrumentation system using DAS, Data logger.
Introduction about Automation system, Concepts of Control Schemes, Types of Controllers, Components involved in implementation of Automation system i.e., DAS, DOS, Converter ( I to P ) and Actuators: Pneumatic cylinder, Relay, Solenoid (Final Control Element), Computer Supervisory Control System (SCADA), Direct Digital Control’s Structure and Software.
Introduction of Programmable logic controller, Principles of operation, Architecture of Programmable controllers. Introduction to Distributed Digital Control, Functional requirements of process control system, System architecture, Distributed Control systems, Configuration, Some popular Distributed Control Systems, Industrial control applications like cement plant, thermal power plant.
Introduction to Intelligent Controllers, Model based controllers, Predictive control, Artificial Intelligent Based Systems, Experts Controller, Fuzzy Logic System and Controller, Artificial Neural Networks, Neuro-Fuzzy Controller system.
Review of Transducers, Principles of operations and its classification, Characteristics, Technological trends in making transducers, Silicon sensors for the measurement of pressure, Level, Flow and Temperature, Bio-sensors ,types and its Application.
“Computer-Based Industrial Control”, Krishna Kant, Prentice-Hall.
3.5 Credits
1 Credits
Block diagram of optical communication system. Basics of transmission of light rays. Advantages of optical fiber communication, Optical fibers structures and their types, fiber characteristics : attenuation, scattering, absorption, fiber bend loss, dispersion; fiber couplers and connectors, Light emitting diode : recombination processes, the spectrum of recombination radiation, LED characteristics, internal quantum efficiency, external quantum efficiency, LED structure, behavior at high frequencies, Basic principles of laser action in semi -conductors, optical gain, lasing threshold, laser structures and characteristics, laser to fiber coupling, comparison with LED source, Principles of optical detection, quantum efficiency, responsivity, general principles of PIN photodetector, intrinsic absorption, materials and designs for PIN photodiodes, impulse and frequency response of PIN photodiodes, noise in PIN Photodiodes, multiplication process, APD Design, APD bandwidth, APD noise, Fiber soliton,soliton based communication system,High speed soliton system,WDM soliton systems.
“Fiber Optical Communication”, Govind P. Agrawal.
“Optical Fiber Communications”, John M. Senior, Prentice-Hall.
3.5 Credits
Limitations of conventional Mobile Telephone System; A Basic Cellular System connected to PSTN; Main parts of a Basic Cellular System; Operation of a cellular system – Registration, Mobile originated calls, Network originated calls, Call termination and Hand-off procedure; Performance criteria – voice quality, trunking and grade of service, spectral efficiency; radio capacity and C/I, Evolution to Next Generation Wireless Networks; Paging and Messaging Systems; Cordless Telephone Systems – CT2, DECT, PHS, and PACS standards; Wireless Local Loop; LMDS – Network Architecture and Operation; Advance Mobile Phone Service; Enhanced Total Access Communication System; US Digital Cellular Systems (IS-54/136); Personal Digital Cellular (PDC), GSM Network and Signaling Protocol Architecture; Identifiers used in GSM System; GSM physical and logical control Channels; Frame Structure for GSM; GSM Speech Coding; Authentication and Security; Call Procedures in GSM; Handoff Procedure in GSM; GSM Services and Features – SMS, Power classes, and Frequency hopping, The concept of Spread Spectrum; Architecture of CDMA System; CDMA Air Interface; The IS-95 CDMA Forward and Reverse Channels; Call Processing in CDMA; Power Control in CDMA system – Open and closed loop; Soft Handoffs; Rake Receiver Concept; CDMA Features – Near-Far Effect, Cell Breathing, Mobile Data over CDMA Networks; Frequency Hopping; Performance of CDMA System; Comparison of CDMA with GSM, 2.5G TDMA Evolution Path; GPRS Technology – Network Architecture, Signalling, Location and Mobility Management, Applications and Services, Challenges and issues in GPRS; EDGE Technology; 2.5G cdmaOne Cellular Technology; Need of 3G Cellular Networks; The IMT-2000 Global Standards; UMTS Technology – Objectives, Standardization and Releases, Network Architecture, Interfaces, Channels, and Security Procedure; W-CDMA Air Interface; TD-SCDMA Technology; Cdma2000 Cellular Technology – Forward and Reverse Channels, Handoff and Power Control,
Wireless Network Technologies: IEEE 802.11 WLAN Technology – Advantages and Disadvantages, System and Protocol Architecture; Wi-Fi Standards; WLAN Applications; IEEE 802.15 WPAN Technology – Bluetooth System and Protocol Architecture, IEEE 802.15.3 High-Rate WPAN; IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate WPAN, WPAN Applications; IEEE 802.16 WMAN Technology – Its need and Protocol Architecture; WiMAX; LTE/3GPP. Emerging Trends in Wireless Networking: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs); Mobile IP Terminology; Operation of Mobile IP; Location and Mobility Management in Mobile IP; Mobile IPv6; Mobile TCP; Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) – Routing protocols and Applications; RFID Technology; Security Aspects in Wireless Networks; IEEE 802.21 Standard – an Overview; Interoperability of Wireless Networks.
“Wireless Communications”, T. L. Singal, 1st edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
“Wireless Communications and Networking”, Vijay K. Garg, 1st edition, Elsevier, 2008.
3.5 Credits
Introduction, classification of Robots, History of Robots, Advantages and Disadvantages of Robot, Robot components, Robot degree of freedom, Robot joints and coordinates, Robot workspace, Robot reach, Robot languages, Characteristics of various actuating systems, Comparison of actuating systems, Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric actuating systems, introduction to various end effectors, Introduction to internal and external sensors of the robot, Position sensors, Velocity sensors, Acceleration sensors, SONAR and IR sensors, Touch and tactile sensors, Applications of robots, selection of robots, economic factors and justification for robotic application; safety requirements, Introduction to kinematics of mobile introduction to Forward and inverse kinematics of multi linked manipulators, introduction to dynamics of the manipulators and control schematics.
“Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control”, J. J. Craig, Pearson Education, 2004.
“Introduction to Robotics”, Saeed B. Niku, Pearson Education, 2003.
“Fundamentals of Robotics – Analysis & Control”, R. J. Schilling, Prentice-Hall, 1990.
3.5 Credits
Characteristics of light: Wave-Particle Duality, Black Body Radiation, The Solar Resource: Measurement of radiation at the Earth’s Surface, Direct and Diffuse Radiation, Greenhouse Effect, Apparent Motion of the Sun, Clear sky insolation on a collecting surface, Solar Energy and Photovoltaics, Ideal cell structure, Light generated current, The Photovoltaic Effect, Solar cell parameters, Resistive and other effects, Lab Cells vs. Industry Requirements, Semiconductor Physics, Generic PV cell circuit model, Modules and Arrays, I-V curves, Impact of Temperature, Shading impacts, Crystalline silicon technologies, Thin-film PV, PV interconnection and module fabrication, Solar Modules, Load estimation, Batteries and their properties, Array and battery sizing, Hybrid-PV systems, I-V Curves of simple loads and batteries, Interfacing with the utility, System sizing, Economic considerations, Case study of PV-powered water pumping, Introduction, Space, Marine Navigation Aids, Telecommunications, Cathodic Protection, Water Pumping, Consumer Products, Battery Chargers, Photovoltaics for Developing Countries, Refrigeration, Solar Cars, Lighting, Remote Monitoring, Direct-Drive Applications, Electric Fences.
“Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”, Gilbert M. Masters, Wiley-Interscience.
“Third Generation Photovoltaics: Advanced Solar Energy Conversion”, M. A. Green, Springer-Verlag.
3.5 Credits
Neural Network characteristics, History of development in Neural Networks Principles,Artificial Neural Net terminology, Model of a neuron, topology, learning types of learning,supervised, unsupervised, re-enforcement learning, Basic Hopfield Model, the perceptron, linear separability, Basic learning laws: Hebb’s,rule, Delta rule, Widrow & Hoff LMS, learning rule, correlation learning rule, instar and outstar learning rules.Unsupervised learning, competitive learning, K-means clustering algorithm, Kohonen’s feature maps, Radial Basis Function neural networks, basic learning laws in RBF nets, recurrent networks, recurrent back propagation, Real Time Recurrent learning algorithm, CMAC network, ART networks, Fuzzy logic: Basic concepts of Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy Vs Crisp set, Linguistic variables, membership functions, operations of fuzzy sets, fuzzy IF-THEN rules, variable.
“Artificial Neutral Networks”, Yegna Narayanam.
“Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, Timothy J. Ross.
3.5 Credits
Integrated Circuits: Introduction and advantages, Effects of ICs on industry, Scales of integration, Growth from melt using Czochralski’s method, Shaping and Processing of Silicon, Epitaxial layer growth, Evaluation of epitaxial layers, Types of epitaxy: VPE, MBE, MOCVD, Impurity diffusion in a semiconductor crystal. Fick’s Laws, Gaussian and Complementary Error Function Distribution of Impurities, Oxidation, Ion-implantation, Photolithography, Etching, Metallization, Monolithic and Hybrid I. C’s, Polysilicon gates and Well Structures, Fabrication Process Integration, VLSI Device Packaging Types and Design Considerations, VLSI Assembly Technologies.
“VLSI Technology”, S. M. Sze, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill.
“Semiconductor Devices, Physics & Technology”, S. M. Sze, 2nd edition, Wiley India.
“Basic VLSI Design”, Pucknell and Eshraghian, 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall.
3.5 Credits
Introduction to Digital Design and FPGAs, System Designing using FPGA, FPGA Architectures, SRAM based FPGAs, Permanently Programmed FPGAs, Circuit Design of FPGA, Introduction to VHDL and its constructs, Combinational Network Delay, Power and Energy Optimization, Arithmetic Logic and its implementation in VHDL, Sequential Machine Design, Sequential Design Styles and Rules for Clocking, Implementation of Sequential Designs in VHDL, Behavioral Design Architecture, Design Examples.
“FPGA Based System Design”, Wayne Wolf, Pearson Education.
“Digital Systems Design Using VHDL”, Charles H. Roth Jr., Thomson Learning.
20 Credits
20–24 weeks project work / training / experience in an industrial organization.
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