Advanced Programs
Financial Derivatives: The Currency & Rates Factor–Currency & Interest Rates
Financial Derivatives is multi trillion dollar market and is vast & complex considering the variations in the product, underlying and regulatory environment. Risk Management is incomplete without having an in depth understanding of each product from practical perspective.
The objective of the course is to enable attendees to
- To have an in depth understanding of financial derivatives on variety of underlying.
- To use derivatives for hedging, trading and arbitrage.
- To manage risks of financial derivatives
- To have broad knowledge of the regulatory framework for financial derivatives.
- To understand valuations and various components which impact pricing of derivatives
- To understand practical concepts and implications of derivatives.
1. Financial derivatives – An Introduction |
2. Forward market and products |
- Derivative markets
- Past and present
- Difference between exchange traded and OTC derivatives
- Derivative instruments
- Concept and definition
- Purpose and criticism
- Basics about forwards, futures, options and swaps
- Hedgers, arbitrageurs and speculators
- Structure and role of global forward market
- Concept, characteristics and definition
- Valuation of Foreign Exchange forward contract
- Hedging using forwards
- Practical Concepts in Forward Market on Currencies
- What is forward premium/discount in a currency pair
- History of forward premiums/discount in the currency pair
- What moves forward premium/discount in a currency pair
- Impact of forward premium on exchange rates
- Inter link age of forward premium with call money market and liquidity situation in a country
- Do forward premium in a currency pair indicate outlook on Interest Rate of country?
- Trading in forward premium
- Optimizing Hedging decision based on outlook of forward premium
- Future outlook of forward premium with impending US Rate hike and lower inflation and Interest Rate in Cross economies
- Role of Central banks in forward market
- Latest Central Banks activity in forward market
- Why does Central Bank act in forward market
- Does forward premium always reflect interest rate differentials? If not why?
- Difference between forward premium in OTC and Exchange Traded futures and Arbitrage in the currency pair
- Bloomberg / Reuters Screenshot of Forward Markets and their interpretation.
- Practical Concepts in Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)
- Liquidity in FRA market globally
- FRA contracts permitted by the Regulator
- Do Corporates Globally use FRA’s to hedge and why?
- Quoting convention of FRA’s
- Bloomberg / Reuters Screenshot of FRA Markets and their interpretation
3. Future Markets and products |
4. Option market and products |
- Structure and role of global future market including leading future Exchanges
- Concept, characteristics and definition
- Trading mechanism and concept of margins (IM, MTM, MM)
- Future vs. forward
- Types of future contracts
- Stock future
- Index future
- Currency future
- Interest rate future
- Commodity future
- Valuation of future
- Generic valuation principles-cost of carry model
- Valuation of individual future product
- Daily settlement price and Final settlement price
- Hedging
- Arbitrage
- Speculations
- Practical Concepts in Futures Market
- How to detect probable trends in Futures Market using basis differential
- Open Interest and volume data of futures market
- How to detect probable trends using change in Open Interest and volume in Futures market
- Currency arbitrage in currency market and identifying arbitrage using Reuters/ Bloomberg screen
- How Index futures have evolved in an economy
- Index Funds and management of Index by Global Hedge Funds
- Variety of Index in Equity market and how to judge direction of single stock based on movement in sectoral index.
- Bloomberg / Thomson Reuters chart showing Index movements
- Practical concept of Contango and Backwardation in Commodities Market and why they arise.
- Bloomberg / Thomson Reuters chart and explanation of Contango / Backwardation
- Structure and role of global option market including OTC and leading option exchanges
- Concept, characteristics and definition
- Option terminologies
- Call option
- Put option
- American and European option
- Option writer and buyer
- Option premium including intrinsic value and time value
- Strike price
- ITM, ATM and OTM
- Option payoff
- Future vs. Option
- Types of options
- Stock option
- Index option
- Currency option
- Commodity option
- Options on futures
- Interest rate options
- Put -Call Parity
- Valuations of options
- Factors affecting option valuation
- Binomial model (portfolio replicating and risk neutral approach
- Delta hedging
- Option strategies (spreads, straddles and strangles)
- Practical Concepts and Example of Options Market
- Strategies adopted by Indian / Global Corporates to hedge exposures through Options and best practices;
- Range forward
- Ratio forward
- Participating forward
- Forward extra
- Seagulls
- Spread Trades – Calendar spreads and strike spreads
- Understanding of important components of Option pricing
- Delta:
- What is delta?
- Why option traders prefer to be delta neutral at inception?
- Why delta changes over the life of Options?
- What does delta trading imply when a option trader is long on option and short on option?
- Gamma:
- What is Gamma?
- How does Gamma impact delta of an option?
- Relationship of Gamma with strike, time to expiry.
- Which Gamma position does option trader hate to have?
- Impact of event risk on gamma?
- Theta:
- What is Theta?
- What is Theta Bleed?
- How does option trader avoid Theta bleed even if a Option trader is long on option?
- Impacts of Theta bleed on the profit / loss?
- Vega:
- What is Vega?
- What are Long Vega and Short Vega Position?
- How does an option trader decide to be long Vega or short Vega?
- Relationship of Vega and time to maturity of option?
- What is quoted and traded in option market?
- What is risk reversal and fly and how are they quoted in option market?
- How to derive volatility for any strike using at the money vol, fly and risk reversal?
- How to identify future direction of market using fly and risk reversal?
- How did fly and risk reversal behave during US subprime crisis and how have they evolved?
- Brief understanding of running of Option book by professional traders.
- How options provide superior pay-off then Forwards/Futures?
- Directional strategies using Options
- Non directional strategies using Options
- Using Options to make money in non-trending markets
- Using Options to hedge ECB, Buyers credit, current account exposure and probable exposure.
- Introduction to Exotic Options
- Meaning of Exotic Options
- Practical Concepts and examples of Exotic Options used in Developed Markets
- Local and global regulatory framework for exotic options
5. Swaps |
6. Credit Derivatives |
- Structure and role of global swap market
- Concept, characteristics and definition
- Types of swaps
- Interest rate swap (IRS)
- Currency swap
- Coupon Only Swap
- Valuation of swap
- Swaptions
- Strategies and applications of swap
- Practical Concepts and examples of Swaps
- Interest Rate and Currency Swaps executed in India by Interbank and Corporates :
- OIS Swap
- MIFOR Swap
- INBMK Swap
- Full Currency Swaps
- Coupon only swap
- Hedging of Buyers Credit / ECB
- Central bank’s regulations governing FX and Interest Rate swap in India
- Reciprocal Swaps between Banks
- Carry Trade
- Concept of Carry Trade
- Practical example of carry trade executed pre 2008 crisis and post 2008
- Advantage and Disadvantage of Carry Trades
- Global Corporates experience with carry trades
- Central bank’s regulations governing carry trades in India
- Caps, Floor and Collars to hedge interest rates
- Intuitive understanding of swap pricing
- Understanding components of swap in Indian market
- Deriving indicative swap pricing intuitively in one minute without any calculator: A must have skill for any treasury manager
- Unique characteristics of Country’s swap market due to convertibility of our currency
- Concept of Natural Hedge and Dollarization of balance sheet in the country by corporate through swaps
- Bloomberg / Thomson Reuters screenshot showing FX swap curve across the globe and India and correlation between swap curves
- Concept of Participatory Notes in Country’s Equity / Debt segment and regulations governing them
- Why Participatory Notes are so popular among FII’s investing into Country.
- The basic concept
- Role and structure of credit derivatives
- Types of credit derivative
- CDS (credit default swap)
- TRS (total return swap)
- CSO (credit spread option)
- CLN (Credit link notes)
- CDO (collateralized debt obligations)
- Practical Concepts and examples
- CDS Quoting conventions in real market
- Viewing CDS curve in Reuters/Bloomberg
- Understanding of change in CDS curve pre and post Global Financial crisis
- Deriving Country’s CDS curve
- Country’s Regulations on CDS
- Country’s experience with CDS and what is the present market for CDS in the country
- Concept and example of CLN
- Use of CLN to reduce balance sheet risk by Banks under Basel 3
- Practical examples of CLN and TRS
- Why CDO market was liquid pre Global Financial Crisis and what changed after that
- ITRAXX Indices for trading credit
- Other Derivatives
- Weather derivatives
- Energy derivatives
- Insurance derivatives
7. Risk Management and Regulations |
- Risk Management
- Positives of derivative instruments
- Learning from derivative mishaps
- Derivatives Risk Management
- Market Risk
- Credit Risk
- Liquidity Risk
- Operational Risk
- Enterprise Risk
- Regulatory framework for derivatives
- Regulations governing derivatives
- Sweeping reforms in Derivative market in US and its global impact
- Guidelines of Country’s regulators
- International Swaps and Derivatives Association Master Agreement:
- Role played by ISDA agreement during Global Financial crisis
- Importance of ISDA after global financial crisis
- Concept of Credit Support Annex and Global Collateral
Training fees & Duration for students, corporates, universities
- The fees for the program is INR 50000.
- The duration of the course is approx. 50 hours. We have special pricing for corporates and universities; for more information Contact us
- Classes are normally held over weekends (Normally Sundays and each Sunday approx. 4 to 5 hours)
Freebies (Add ons) with the program include:
- Marketconnected’s “The Turtle Trend Broadcast” on different portfolios- Equity Model, Forex Model and Macro Model is provided during the course & for 3 months after the completion of the course. Such broadcasts have over 10,000 readers and subscribers at different levels working with reputed organizations including Reliance Group companies, Indian Oil, L&T, Tata Group Companies, Bharti Airtel, Private & Nationalised Banks and others
- Since the classes are held over weekends (normally every Sunday), the participants can have hands on experience in applying such learnings on Live markets during the weekdays and come back with their doubts in the classrooms. Such process continues for approx. two Month.
- Complete handholding and back office support from Team MarketConnected on designing and pricing of derivative strategies is available for one month after the completion of the course.
- Upon clearing necessary exams, Certification of becoming a “MarketConnected Turtle” on the said course is awarded which is issued by Chitkara Financial Education Center in collaboration with Brand Partner-BSE and Knowledge Delivery Partner-MarketConnected. Sample Certificate.
Exam format
Participants have to appear for the final exam which is conducted by Chitkara Financial Education Center at the end of the module to obtain the certification. A participant has to score a minimum of 60% marks. The exam questions consist of Class room performances, Virtual Trading performances and Case study based analytical questions. There is no negative marking for wrong answers.
Financial Derivatives: The Turtle Trend Risk Management-Currency & Interest Rates
- Volatility and sharp movements in FX and Interest Rate have become an ordinary event since global economy went through downturn of 2008 US Financial Crisis and 2011 European Financial crisis.
Few contemporary examples of the same are USD INR moving from 55 to 70 and then back to 60.00, EUR USD moving from 1.40 to 1.30, Negative Interest Rates in Europe etc.
- Stable Exchange Rate: A misnomer
No longer can a business be run on the assumption of stable exchange rates. Those risk managers, who could not understand this risk in last few years have incurred huge losses leading to few of them closing their business,
- Lost competitive edge and
- Saw their margins shrinking
- Mandatory by regulators
Also, regulators across the world recognized the need to have stringent regulations on Risk Management Framework for Corporates who have exposure to Foreign Currency. This led RBI to amend the Master Circular which regulates corporate hedging activity. Among multitude of amendments regarding restrictions on underlying, products, tenor and documentation requirements, RBI made Risk Management Policy adoption by the Board of Directors
- FAQ of CEO’s / CFO’s / Treasury Manager:
- How to protect earnings from FX volatility?
- How to remain competitive?
- How to avoid FX losses?
- How to decide whether to hedge or not?
- Whether to borrow in INR or Foreign Currency?
- How to ensure that managers of risk do not take unwarranted risk?
- Dynamic Risk Management Policy – The Ten Factor Model
The task of forming Risk Management Policy is easy said than done considering the multitude of economic and market variables which keep on moving. Having a static Risk Management Policy would not be sufficient to insulate you from FX and Interest Rate volatility. Hence, there is requirement to have dynamic risk management policy.
The objective of this training is to address the contemporary and important issue of forming a Risk Management Policy. The risk management policy has to be dynamic in nature which evolves as the market environment changes and also needs to use modern hedging instrument to hedge the risk efficiently and at low cost.
The end objective of this course is to acquaint the participants with the necessarily skills required to formulate Risk Management Policy and understand various hedging / financing / funding methods to manage these risk.
After attending this course, one can develop Risk Management Policy, assess financial risk and select right hedging strategies.
- How to protect earnings from FX volatility?
- How to remain competitive?
- How to avoid FX losses?
- How to decide whether to hedge or not?
- Whether to borrow in INR or Foreign Currency?
- How to ensure that managers of risk do not take unwarranted risk?
1. Formulating the Dynamic Risk Management Policy |
- Identification and quantification of Exposure
- Measuring the FX and Interest Rate Risk
- Innovative Strategies for Risk reduction:
- Dollarizing the balance sheet
- INR Invoicing
- Natural Hedge through:
- Change in Borrowing Currency
- Entering into Currency Swap
- Change in commercial contracts
- Establishing Benchmark / Budgeted Rate and how to outperform them
- Determining Hedge Ratio through Ten Factor Model and monthly evaluation.
- Designing Hedge strategy
Hedging Current Account Transaction (Current and Forecasted) |
Sell Side (Export Side) |
Buy Side (Import Side) |
- Forwards
- Beyond Forwards : Cost Reduction Strategies
- Range Forward (The ultimate forward)
- Range Extras (with view of strong INR appreciation
- Seagull Structures (with view of range bound INR appreciation)
- Put Spreads (Premium paid with no downside
- Ratio Forwards (with view of strong INR appreciation)
- Participatory Forwards (Participate in INR depreciation with protection against INR appreciation)
- Forwards
- Beyond Forwards : Cost Reduction Strategies
- Range Forward (The ultimate forward)
- Range Extras (with view of strong INRDepreciation)
- Seagull Structures (with view of rangeBound INR depreciation)
- Call Spreads (Premium paid with noDownside)
- Ratio Forwards (with view of strong INRDepreciation)
- Participatory Forwards (Participate inINR appreciation with protectionAgainst depreciation)
- Hedging of FCNR (B) / PCFC / Buyers Credit Loans through Principal Only / Coupon Only / Interest Rate / Full Currency Swap / Options.
Hedging Capital Account Transaction |
Buy Side (Import Side) |
External Commercial Borrowing / FCCB / Foreign Currency Loan |
- Principal/Full currency Swap (cost reduction)
- Coupon Only Swap
- OIS Swap (Fixed to Floating Rate and vice versa)
- Principal/Full currency Swap
- Interest Rate Swap (Fixed to Floating and vice versa)
- Coupon only swap (Hedging FX Risk on Coupon)
- FRA (Hedge Future Coupons)
- Interest Rate Caps, Floors and Collars
- Generating Natural Hedges through FX Swaps and Liabilities
- Establishing Controls in Company for managing risk:
- Instruments permissible for treasury dealer to use
- Setting up Maximum Value at Risk which dealer can carry
- Formation of Risk Management Group / Committee ( to oversee)
- Delegation of authority / Setting up treasury
- Front office: For entering into deals
- Middle office: For confirming deals
- Back office: Documentation.
- Defining company’s risk appetite based on: Companies Financials
- Ability to absorb losses and shocks based on companies Net Cash Accruals, Cash Budgets, Profitability and Borrowings
- Competitor and peer group policies on hedging
- Promoter and Shareholder philosophy (Cost center or Profit center)
- Covenants imposed by lender and investors (Negative covenants requiring mandatory hedging)
2. Live Case studies on developing Risk Management Policy for participants in the course of their respective companies: |
- Designing Risk Management Policy
- Comparing and back testing of hedging of forex exposure with and without having a Risk Management Policy
- Comparison between Dynamic and static risk management and understanding its implication.
Training fees & Duration for students, corporates, universities
- The fees for the program is INR 50000.
- The duration of the course is approx. 50 hours. We have special pricing for corporates and universities; for more information Contact us.
- Classes are normally held over weekends (Normally Sundays and each Sunday approx. 4 to 5 hours)
Freebies (Add ons) with the program include:
- Marketconnected’s “The Turtle Trend Broadcast” on different portfolios- Equity Model, Forex Model and Macro Model is provided during the progress of the course and for 3 months after the completion of the course. Such broadcasts have over 10,000 readers and subscribers at different levels working with reputed organizations including Reliance Group companies, Indian Oil, L&T, Tata Group Companies, Bharti Airtel, Private & Nationalised Banks and others
- Since the classes are held over weekends (normally every Sunday), the participants can have hands on experience in applying such learnings on Live markets during the weekdays and come back with their doubts in the classrooms. Such process continues for approx. two Months.
- Complete handholding and back office support from Team MarketConnected on the designing of Risk Management Policies is available for 1 month after the completion of the course.
- Upon clearing necessary exams, Certification of becoming a “MarketConnected Turtle” on the said course is awarded which is issued by Chitkara Financial Education Center in collaboration with Brand Partner-BSE and Knowledge Delivery Partner-MarketConnected. Sample Certificate.
Exam format
Participants have to appear for the final exam which is conducted by Chitkara Financial Education Center at the end of the module to obtain the certification. A participant has to score a minimum of 60% marks. The exam questions consist of Class room performances, Virtual Trading performances and Case study based analytical questions. There is no negative marking for wrong answers.
CANDO Technical Analysis-Equity (However Applicable on any underlying)
Technical Analysis is more than a century old concept. However, the techniques and tools to do Technical Analysis keep evolving and new tools keep getting invented with an assumption that this would resolve the mystery behind predicting markets. However, there is no single technique which can make sustained return in all markets.
In order to improve predictability and precision in trading, the technical indicators should capture Trend, Momentum and volatility. With this as an objective we have formed a customized trades set up system called as “CANDO”.
This training assumes that the participants possess basic knowledge of Technical Analysis. The objective of this training is to provide an in-depth knowledge to participants on “CANDO” Trading system which would help them to identify Trend, Momentum and Volatility and give rating to each trade setup.
After attending this course, the attendee would be able to perform independent technical analysis on all underlying’s using this system and would be able to increase his probability on identify profitable trade set ups and also rate them.
1. Introduction |
2. What is Technical indicator? |
- Technical Analysis
- Fundamental analysis
- Fundamental Analysis vs. Technical Analysis
- Two Types of indicator
- Leading
- Lagging
- Confirming Indicator
- Challenge of Indicators
- Two ways to use indicators
- Type of indicator Constructions
- Bounded Range (Oscillator)
- Types of Oscillators
- Centered
- Banded
- Non – Bounded
- 3 ways to use Oscillator
- Pros and cons of Oscillator
3. Types of Technical indicators: |
4. “CANDO” Trading System |
- Moving Average
- Moving Average Crossover
- Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (MACD)
- Bullish Candle stick Rating
- Bearish Candle stick rating
- Interpretation
- Calculation
- Conditions
- Live chart example on ADX technique
- BB interpretation
- Definition of New Band Concept
- Conditions
- Live chart example of New Band technique
- Interpretation
- Calculation
- Conditions
- Live chart example on Dual CCI
- Interpretation
- Price Oscillator
- Conditions
- Live chart example on PO
6. Super Trend for Entry and Exit |
- Technical Score 3
- Technical Score 4
- Technical Score 5
- Interpretation
- Conditions
- Live chart example of Super trend
Training fees & Duration for students, corporates, universities
- The fees for the program is INR 30000.
- The duration of the course is approx. 30 hours. We have special pricing for corporates and universities; for more information, Contact us
- Classes are normally held over weekends (Normally Sundays and each Sunday approx. 4 to 5 hours)
- Such course cannot be undertaken unless participant has undergone the training on Foundation level of Technical Analysis.
Freebies (Add ons) with the program include:
- Marketconnected’s “The Turtle Trend Broadcast” on different portfolios- Equity Model, Forex Model and Macro Model is provided during the progress of the course and for 3 months after the completion of the course. Such broadcasts have over 10,000 readers and subscribers at different levels working with reputed organizations including Reliance Group companies, Indian Oil, L&T, Tata Group Companies, Bharti Airtel, Private & Nationalised Banks and others
- Since the classes are held over weekends (normally every Sunday), the participants can have hands on experience in applying such learnings on Live markets during the weekdays and come back with their doubts in the classrooms. Such process continues for approx. One Month.
- Complete handholding and back office support from Team MarketConnected on the charting techniques for 3 months after the completion of the course is available.
- Upon clearing necessary exams, Certification of becoming a “MarketConnected Turtle” on the said course is awarded which is issued by Chitkara Financial Education Center in collaboration with Brand Partner-BSE and Knowledge Delivery Partner-MarketConnected. Sample Certificate.
Exam format
Participants have to appear for the final exam which is conducted by Chitkara Financial Education Center at the end of the module to obtain the certification. A participant has to score a minimum of 60% marks. The exam questions consist of Class room performances, Virtual Trading performances and Case study based analytical questions. There is no negative marking for wrong answers.
Turtle Trend Recognition System (TTRS) & Turtle Advanced Risk Management System (TARMS) on Portfolios: Beyond Technicals
Technical Analysis is more than a century old concept. However, the techniques and tools to do Technical Analysis keep evolving and new tools keep getting invented with an assumption that this would resolve the mystery behind predicting markets. However, after trying all the old and new age tools/techniques, traders and investors across the world are convinced that there is no magic formula to make money in trading and investing.
However, there is one category of traders/investors who have made stable and sustained return over century who have followed the principles of Trend Following and disciplined risk management along with Technical Analysis.
The objective of this training is to provide following to the attendees:
- Introduction to Trend Following concept
- In-depth understanding of Turtle Trading and Risk Management
- Advanced Trend Following system which captures trends and avoids consolidation
- Advanced Technical Analysis Tools / Techniques
- Introduction to traditional technical analysis tools/techniques
- After attending this course, the attendees would be able to perform independent technical analysis on all underlings and would be able to do disciplined trading.
1. The Original Trend Following Turtle System |
2. Challenges and Failure of Original Trend Following Turtle System. |
- Who coined turtle
- Turtle Facts / History
- Assumptions of Original Turtle’s Techniques
- Position Sizing
- Diversification in Position Sizing
- Original Turtle’s Entry Rules
- Breakout
- Original Turtle’s Exit Rules
- Delayed Entry Calls
- Delayed Exit Calls
3. MarketConnected’s patented Trend FollowingTurtle System |
- Introduction to Time Series Forecast
- Introduction to Simple Moving Average
- Introduction to Demand and Supply Zone
- MarketConnected’s Unique Entry Techniques
- Method 1 – Time Series Forecast 14 (TSF 14) and Demand & Supply Zone
- Method 2 -Simple Moving Average (SMA 10) and Demand & Supply zone
- Method 3 – Time Series Forecast 14 (TSF 14) same direction in Daily, Weekly and Monthly Time Frame
- MarketConnected’s Unique Exit Techniques
- Method 1 – 2.5 atr from Hit 1
- Method 2 – SMA 10 Kink down in case of Buy OR SMA 10 Kink up in case of Sell
- Method 3 – RSI 14 move below 50 in case of Buy OR RSI 14 move above 50 in case of Sell
- MarketConnected’s Unique Stoploss Techniques
- Method 1 , 2 AND 3 – 1ATR Stoploss From Hit 1
- Modified Turtle- Diversification in Position Sizing
- Different VAR on different portfolios
- Pyramiding Adding to winners
- Position Risk
Training fees & Duration for students, corporates, universities
- The fees for the program is INR 50000.
- The duration of the course is 25-30 hours. We have special pricing for corporates and universities; for more information Contact us
- Classes are normally held over weekends (Normally Sundays and each Sunday approx. 4 to 5 hours)
- Such course cannot be undertaken unless participant has undergone the trainings on Foundation level & CANDO level of Technical Analysis.
Freebies (Add ons) with the program include:
- Marketconnected’s “The Turtle Trend Broadcast” on different portfolios- Equity Model, Forex Model and Macro Model is provided during the progress of the course and for 3 months after the completion of the course. Such broadcasts have over 10,000 readers and subscribers at different levels working with reputed organizations including Reliance Group companies, Indian Oil, L&T, Tata Group Companies, Bharti Airtel, Private & Nationalised Banks and others
- Since the classes are held over weekends (normally every Sunday), the participants can have hands on experience in applying such learnings on Live markets during the weekdays and come back with their doubts in the classrooms. Such process continues for approx. One Month.
- Complete handholding and back office support from Team MarketConnected on the application of such model is available for 3 months after the completion of the course.
- Upon clearing necessary exams, Certification of becoming a “MarketConnected Turtle” on the said course is awarded which is issued by Chitkara Financial Education Center in collaboration with Brand Partner-BSE and Knowledge Delivery Partner-MarketConnected. Sample Certificate.
Exam format
Participants have to appear for the final exam which is conducted by Chitkara Financial Education Center at the end of the module to obtain the certification. A participant has to score a minimum of 60% marks. The exam questions consist of Class room performances, Virtual Trading performances and Case study based analytical questions. There is no negative marking for wrong answers.
Our Broadcasts
1. “Turtle Trend Broadcast: Macro”
Chargeability: Complementary
Content: ” Turtle Trend Broadcast: Macro” is a market leading report on Macro underlings strategic investment views and hedging strategies.’
- Our views mentioned are from “Trend Following Turtle” style which are very unique as compared to traditional trading style and unheard in Indian Markets.
- International institutions and hedge funds follow Trend following style. In this style of trading there is no target profit but only stop loss levels.
- We offer training services at nominal costs to make you become a “MarketConnected Turtle” for better understanding of the reports and to practice the same.
2. “Turtle Trend Broadcast: FX”
Underlying covered: USD/INR, USD/JPY, EUR/USD, and GBP/USD
Chargeability: Complementary
Content: “FX Morning Broadcast” is a market leading report on Foreign exchange views and hedging strategies.’
- We give Indian importers and exporters option hedging strategies which are routinely used by large corporate to hedge FX exposure in India.
- We give short term and medium term “Trend Following Turtle” strategies on various foreign currency pairs.
- We also provide the Major Macro News and Trends in the Global Financial Markets
- We offer training services at nominal costs to make you become a “MarketConnected Turtle” for better understanding of the reports and to practice the same.
3. “Turtle Trend Broadcast: Equity”
Underlying covered: Sectorial indices and large cap equities
Chargeability: Complementary
Content: ” Turtle Trend Broadcast: Equity” is a market leading report on Sectorial indices and large cap equities Macro underlying strategic investment views and hedging strategies.’
- Our views mentioned are from “Trend Following Turtle” style which are very unique as compared to traditional trading style and unheard in Indian Markets.
- International institutions and hedge funds follow Trend following style. In this style of trading there is no target profit but only stop loss levels.
- We offer training services at nominal costs to make you become a “MarketConnected Turtle” for better understanding of the reports and to practice the same.